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I hated writing in school.

But 10 years later, my writing generates 200 million views a year.

7 writing tips to make you a better writer today:

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  1. Grab the reader's attention with the first line.

āŒ This article is a guide on how you can improve your economic prospects.

āœ… In the next 500 words I'll show you how to double your income.

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  1. Talk like you speak.

āŒ If I were to pick an optimal strategy to get fit, I would do 50 push ups a day.

āœ… The best way to get fit is to do 50 push ups a day.

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  1. Keep your sentences short. Break longer sentences into shorter ones.

āŒ She received a parcel, and then she opened it, and then what she saw inside shocked her.

āœ… She received a parcel. She opened it. What she saw inside shocker her.

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  1. Use fewer words

āŒ In the event of āœ… If

āŒ All the time āœ… Always

āŒ Along the lines of āœ… Like

āŒ Due to the fact āœ… Because

āŒ Despite the fact āœ… Although

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  1. Use active voice instead of passive:

āŒ That email was written by me. āœ… I wrote that email.

āŒ That painting was created by him. āœ… He created that painting.

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  1. Be specific. Use numbers when possible.

āŒ Here are some exercises that will help you lose weight quickly.

āœ… Here are 5 exercises that will help you lose 10 pounds in the next 30 days.

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