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The 5 biggest things that happened in AI this week:

  1. Google loses $100 Billion in market cap after the botched launch of their AI products.

Among the mistakes were a missing demo phone, and incorrect information displayed on their new chatbot video demo:

The 5 biggest things that happened in AI this week:

1. Google loses $100 Billion in market cap afte
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  1. Microsoft kills it with their AI products launch as Bing Search goes from Top 200 to Top 10 on the App Store:
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  1. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella comes out guns blazing and says that he wants people to know "that we made them (Google) dance.”

Spicy stuff:

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  1. A new paper released recently says that ChatGPT shows emergent theory of mind (something like consciousness):
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Chinese and global tech giant Baidu announces their rival to ChatGPT, based on a larger data set:

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