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There is zero evidence that Trump had any influence on Twitter policies. On the other hand there are massive amounts of evidence that other politicians (including the Republican-Democrat duo of Richard Burr and Mark Warner) did have such influence... (1/2)

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(2/2) So why would I waste my time looking for a dumb, rejected Trump complaint when I know for a fact, from reading the correspondence of the company’s top lawyers, that they’re up at night worrying about the SSCI, (Warner/Burr), HPSCI (Schiff), the FBI/DHS, etc?

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Lastly, in the Twitter Files, you should see I’m focused on the bigger story of how institutional digital censorship works. Donald Trump is not and never has been a serious factor in that story. People don’t want to hear it, but the Democrats have been. It’s just a fact.

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Also: if the “reputable” media is going to make a capital case out of Chrissy Teigen but completely ignore proof that, say, Trump was being “visibility filtered” before the 2020 election, why should I take any press criticisms seriously?