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This line is so memorable for a reason.

It's a perfect use of "antimetabole" - the repetition of a phrase with its word order reversed.

Here are 8 more memorable rhetorical devices:

This line is so memorable for a reason.

It's a perfect use of "antimetabole" - the repetition of a
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  1. Polyptoton

The repeated use of words with the same root, like destroy, destroyer, and destroyed.

1. Polyptoton

The repeated use of words with the same root, like destroy, destroyer, and destroyed.
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  1. Anadiplosis

The repetition of the last word of a clause at the beginning of the next.

2. Anadiplosis

The repetition of the last word of a clause at the beginning of the next.
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  1. Anaphora

The use of the same word or phrase at the start of successive clauses or sentences.

3. Anaphora

The use of the same word or phrase at the start of successive clauses or sentences.
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  1. Epizeuxis

The immediate repetition of a word or phrase.

4. Epizeuxis

The immediate repetition of a word or phrase.
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  1. Epanalepsis

The repetition of a word at the start and end of a sentence.

5. Epanalepsis

The repetition of a word at the start and end of a sentence.
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  1. Antithesis

The use (and contrast) of two opposing ideas in a single sentence.

6. Antithesis

The use (and contrast) of two opposing ideas in a single sentence.
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  1. Asyndeton

Removing conjunctions (e.g. and, or) from a series of related clauses.

7. Asyndeton

Removing conjunctions (e.g. and, or) from a series of related clauses.