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Roger Froikin @rlefraim wrote, "COVID - ONE MORE TIME

Finally, people are admitting officially that it looks like Covid came from Wuhan China, but Fauci, Biden, and some of the Media are still denying it,

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as if blaming China and avoiding irritating the Chinese Communist Party is an important issue for them. 2)

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All the evidence shows that Covid was developed in a gain-of-function effort at the Wuhan Institute in Wuhan, China, an Institute that counts among its Board Members, Dr. Fauci. The evidence also shows that American money subsidized the Wuhan Institute, authorized by Dr. Fauci.

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How Covid was released to the public, is just a guess. But as the first cases on record were personnel at the Wuhan Institute, and as the Chinese Government quieted any further news from the Institute once this leaked, I’m not sure how it leaked matters. 4)

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But guilt is in the timeline.

In October 2019, after the deaths of some Wuhan Institute personnel, Chinese companies made an enormous effort to buy up protective clothing, inhalators, masks, and antibiotics, from countries all over the world, leaving the world short. 5)

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In November 2019, China encouraged citizens from the Wuhan region to apply for visas to visit the USA and Italy and issued 475,000 exit visas to be used in January. 6)

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In January 2020, at Davos, because of rumors leaking from China Maria Bartiromo, from FOX Business, interviewed both the head of the World Health Organization and the Chinese Regime, and asked about the rumors. BOTH CLAIMED THERE WAS NO PROBLEM. 7)

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Shortly thereafter, people were dying in Italy and the USA. You know the rest of the story. Pandemic. Deaths. Economic damage and more. 8)

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I think that is a solid case for proving China’s responsibility. It is clear that (1) China violated The WHO TREATY (in collusion with The WHO), (2) China intentionally created shortages of Protective clothing and life-saving equipment worldwide in secret, 9)

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(3) China intentionally sent infected people to Europe and USA in January 2020. (4). China intentionally lied about the disease while intentionally infecting the world outside China. 10)

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Therefore China, whether to save face or to level the playing field when it knew it had a serious problem on its hands, is responsible for all the illnesses, deaths, and disruptions, outside China, caused by Covid. 11)

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And like it or not, the consequences will not be passed for a long time. Covid affects the lungs, the hearts of all those who had the virus, and all those who took vaccines to prevent the virus." 12)