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These kinds of things are becoming all too common. The US State Department has warned Americans about the dangers of visiting Mexico, particularly certain areas. 2)

profile picture for @GREENESJ333

It does not matter what these 4 Americans were in Mexico to do - they claim to buy medicine, but I’m a bit skeptical.

What is important is to understand that It appears that the Government of Mexico is incapable or unwilling to end the cartels.

profile picture for @GREENESJ333

While I have heard that there is a lot of corruption that prevents any real effort against the cartels, I also understand that any Government might be reluctant to take on a small terrorist army that does not care how many people get killed and 4)

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how much property may be destroyed if the Government acts against them.

The fact is that the North American economies are tied together. North America cannot tolerate what amounts to a part of North America being occupied and 5)

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controlled by criminal terrorist cartels that are so volatile and dangerous that the Government of Mexico hesitates to act against them (or is too compromised by corruption, or to afraid, to resist. 6)

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Perhaps it is time, instead of subsidizing Europe, that can afford to pay its own way and refuses to as long as the US doles out cash from the US defense budget, the USA should do what is necessary to destroy the cartels and free the Mexican People, and 7)

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by doing so to make all of North American freer and more secure.

I was told yesterday by a Mexican citizen, that I should not write that the Cartels should be destroyed." 8)