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Hi again @elonmusk 👋

I hope you are well.

I’m fine too. I’m thankful for your interest in my health.

But since you mentioned it, I wanted to give you more info.

I have muscular dystrophy. It has many effects on my body.

Let me tell you what they are:

profile picture for @iamharaldur

My legs were the first to go. When I was 25 years old I started using a wheelchair.

It’s been 20 years since that happened.

In that time the rest of my body has been failing me too. I need help to get in and out of bed and use the toilet

profile picture for @iamharaldur

For a long time I thought my arms would remain strong. A doctor told me they would.

But they ended up losing strength. Which, I don’t mind telling you, was hard to accept.

But you okay the cards you are dealt and I’ve managed to create a wonderful life.

profile picture for @iamharaldur

My family is the best. I have two kids. I see them every day. I recommend that.

My wife is fantastic. Strong, kind, smart, amazing artist. Couldn't be happier with her.

profile picture for @iamharaldur

About nine years ago I started a company called @uenodotco

I worked a lot, it didn't do my body any favors but it's what I felt I needed to do.

The hard work paid off and the company became very successful.

profile picture for @iamharaldur

We worked for more or less every big tech company.

We grew fast and made money. I think that's what you are referring to when you say independently wealthy?

That I independently made my money, as opposed to say, inherited an emerald mine.

profile picture for @iamharaldur

But after seven years I was tired. Covid was running for longer than the two weeks you said it would.

And my body was also continuing to get weaker.

After looking at many options I decided to sell my company to Twitter.

profile picture for @iamharaldur

Financially it wasn't the best decision. My company was making a lot of money and Twitter's offer was lower than any smart valuation would say.

But like you I made a bet on Twitter having a lot more potential than it has had.

profile picture for @iamharaldur

I joined at a time when the company was growing fast. You kind of did the opposite.

There was a lot going on. The company had a fair amount of issues, but then again, most bigger companies do.

Or even small companies, like Twitter today.

profile picture for @iamharaldur

Anyway, I digress, are you still reading? Or is the bathroom break over?

What was I saying? Ah yes, and then you bought the company and told employees you weren't firing 75% of them. Which you then did.

profile picture for @iamharaldur

I wasn't in the first batch. Or the second or third or fourth. I'm not sure which layoff round I was in there were so many of them.

Each one came after you promised the last one was the final one.

profile picture for @iamharaldur

During my time at the new Twitter, or 2.0 as you called it, I talked to my manager every week and asked what I should focus on.

And then I proceeded to do those things. Every one of them.

profile picture for @iamharaldur

I also contacted HR regularly and asked if my job description was correct or needed updating. I wanted to make sure I was doing what I was supposed to.

They always said they were looking into it but I never got a reply.

profile picture for @iamharaldur

And now finally to my fingers, which I know you have great concern for. Thank you for that btw.

I'll tell you what I told them. I'm not able to do manual work (which in this case means typing or using a mouse) for extended periods of time without my hands starting to cramp.

profile picture for @iamharaldur

I can however write for an hour or two at a time.

This wasn't a problem in Twitter 1.0 since I was a senior director and my job was mostly to help teams move forward, give them strategic and tactical guidance.

profile picture for @iamharaldur

But as I told HR (I'm assuming that's the confidential health information you are sharing) I can't work as a hands on designer for the reasons outlined above.

I'm typing this on my phone btw. It's easier for because I only need to use one finger.

profile picture for @iamharaldur

I hope that helps! Let me know if you are going to pay what you owe me?

I think you can afford it?