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@CAMERAorg Jonah Cohen wrote: "To People Who Want to Criticize Israel

To those who complain that any criticism of Israel is wrongly labeled as “antisemitism”, here is some advice. 1)

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In order for your criticism to be received as sincere and constructive, you need to have some “creds” in place.

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If you never, ever criticize any of the 21 oppressive undemocratic Arab Muslim countries, or the Palis, or the PA, or Hamas, or the Islamic Jihad, or Islamic practices like FGM or Shahidism and Jihad, or Iran, or any of the 57 Muslim-majority countries, and 3)

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you never have anything positive to say about Jews or Israel, then don't expect your criticisms of Israel to be well received.

We have your number. You ARE an antisemite." 4)