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Whether he is an ally of the Cartels or a prisoner of the Cartels, makes no difference, as it means nothing will be done by his Administration to make changes.

What options does the USA have? 2)

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Frankly, the military options is not all that good if it means fighting both the Cartels and the Mexican Government. If the two can be separated, the opinion becomes better, but President Obrador’s comment seems to preclude that possibility. 3)

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The USA could declare that the North American Trade Agreements are suspended for Mexico, banning imports from Mexico and closing the border for most things.

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80% of Mexico’s food and industrial production currently goes to the USA and export business represents 30% of the Mexican economy. This could motivate the Mexican Government to act, or it could simply mean suffering among the Mexican people & economic problems in the USA too. 5)

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Not a great solution.

Another option might be targeted attacks against Cartel leadership. It is no secret who runs the Cartels and where they live and where they do business. All those could be targets for kill and destruction orders.

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But, President Obrador has a point too. If there were not eager consumers of illegal drugs in the USA, the Cartels would not have a market to supply. If there were no Americans who saw some advantage in human trafficking, child slavery and women available for sex slavery,

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and massive numbers of illegals entering the USA, the Cartels would not have a market. So, don’t blame Mexico when the USA is providing the motives and the money that makes the cartels powerful and influential." 8)