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GPT-4 will make you superhuman.

But only if you know how to use it effectively.

Here are 10 ways you can start using GPT-4 today:

profile picture for @heykahn
  1. Turn sketches into fully working apps and websites:
profile picture for @heykahn
  1. Build working video games in minutes:
profile picture for @heykahn
  1. Use it to prep for your exams.

GPT-4 can ace the bar exam with a top 10% score, and do similarly well on most high school classes:

profile picture for @heykahn
  1. Build a working Chrome extension in a few hours - without any prior coding knowledge:
profile picture for @heykahn
  1. Understand what's going on in images and get useful context:
profile picture for @heykahn
  1. Use it to handle legal matters instead of hiring a lawyer:
profile picture for @heykahn
  1. Get it to help with your parenting chores:
profile picture for @heykahn
  1. Use the new GPT-4 powered Bing to get simple answers to complex questions:
8. Use the new GPT-4 powered Bing to get simple answers to complex questions:
profile picture for @heykahn
  1. Use Duolingo's new GPT-4 powered features to learn a language faster than ever:
9. Use Duolingo's new GPT-4 powered features to learn a language faster than ever:
profile picture for @heykahn
  1. Use Khan Academy's GPT-4 powered chatbot to explain difficult concepts and give clear answers:
profile picture for @heykahn

Thanks for reading! If you found this helpful, follow me at @heykahn to get more insights about AI and productivity.