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Roger Froikin @rlefraim wrote, "A WORD ABOUT MISSIONARIES

and the Jews

I have just been informed that Tommy Waller who heads an organization called HaYovel, has openly said that he is proud to be able to “inform the Jews about their Messiah” 1)

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That makes Tommy Waller a missionary and HaYovel, a Missionary Enterprise, and all the excuses we have heard from some of his Jewish supporters do not change the fact that when they make such excuses, 2)

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they are facilitating an effort designed to ultimately end the Jewish Nation and Jewish identity.

And Tommy, we Jews do not need or want Christians trying to tell Jews what Jews should be believing. 3)

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Interestingly, some Christian theologians over the years frowned on missionary activity aimed at the Jewish People under the belief that their Messiah had to come from the Jews and therefore there had to be Jews. But the intolerance of many, and 4)

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the inability of many Christians to understand how they could be right if the Jews reject their beliefs and the political uses of antisemitism have tended during most periods to obscure that theological logic. 5)

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Missionaries targeting Jews claim they are just spreading the Gospel because they love the Jewish People. Let's look at that closely.

Does love not include respect, and does it not exclude trickery and lies? One would think so. 6)

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But skilled Missionary operations that target Jews, in Israel and the West, have carefully tailored their “pitch” to conceal their objectives. They have hired experts in designing sets of approaches designed to deceive. Their approach does not speak of Jesus. 7)

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They talk instead about “Yeshua”. There is no mention of Christianity. On the contrary, they tell their “marks” that by accepting a belief in “Yeshua”  they become better and more complete Jews (a complete lie from a Jewish perspective).  8)

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They refer to passages in Jewish literature, in the Prophets, reinterpreted (and mistranslated) to a Christian perspective, claiming that the Prophets predicted Yeshua so it must be Jewish. And they top it off by what in the 60's was called “love bombing”, 9)

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a technique of making an effort to be inclusive, isolating the mark from family, and using love and connections to create an atmosphere that encourages acceptance of ideas. 10)

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If a salesman comes to your door, smiles, says he loves you and wants to help you, and then lies about how great his product is, following a script written by sales professionals, but misrepresenting the product, what do we call that?  FRAUD.    11)

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And missionary activity targeting Jews, not only is disrespectful and intolerant but by the way, it is conducted is FRAUD, which is a crime.

In Israel cases have gone to court about missionary activity, but only on the issue of “free speech” and “freedom of religion” and 12)

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missionaries got a pass because the Court has ruled on Free speech and Freedom of Religion.  They never addressed the issue of FRAUD.


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But ultimately, the issue comes down to how Jews are educating Jews. No Jew who is knowledgeable about Judaism as an asset, as a gift from Hashem to be a guide to create a holy and moral and humane civilization, could possibly be, short of mental illness, 14)

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attracted to the line of these missionaries.

But new education methods take time to develop and implement.

So, at a time when Hundreds of Millions of Dollars are being spent by organizations aimed at converting Jews, at ending Judaism, what be done right now? 15)

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Two things:

1.  Charges can be filed against such organizations and individuals for fraud.  Missionaries in Israel, complicit in this fraud can be stopped and those who are foreign can be deported. 16)

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  1. It should be made that Jews who collude with these missionary organizations and individual missionaries should be called out publically. Those that profit from these activities should be held responsible."