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CLIMATE CHANGE will kill all of us by 2035. (Changed from Al Goreā€™s claim of 2010, then edited to 2020). How many times have I heard college students screaming and crying about how weā€™ll all be dead soon if somehow Global climate change is not stopped. 2)

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Try talking to people in the religion of Climate Change. They find it impossible in their state of fear to discuss anything rationally. They repeat cliches, some 30 years old that have been debunked by the passage of time. 3)

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Remember, by 2020, the sea was supposed to cover the Statue of Liberty according top Al Gore, and by 2010, Miami and Manhattan were supposed to have been under water. 4)

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COVID. How many people still believe that masks kept covid away (though the facts disagree). ā€œYou are going to kill your gandmother if you do not wear a mask." Remember those that said you should wear two masks. 5)

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Or how about a mask while you are eating (remember how Fauci demonstrated removing the bottom of the mask to take a bite?) Remember how everyone was going to get Covid because it travelled miles through the air and even through the toilet bowl? 6)

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And then today, I heard a Congresswomen claiming that Blacks in America are the same as Uyghurs in China, being killed and imprisoned every day, and how it is an ongoing ā€œHolocaustā€ against Black people in America.

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I really resent this one particularly, because not only does it cheapen the term ā€œHolocaustā€, but it is insulting to all those Jews and others who lost major portions of their families in the real Holocaust where people were targeted for extermination. 8)

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Yet, today, everything is a ā€œHolocaustā€.

And maybe the worst thing today, is all the bloated and false accusations claiming that anyone you do not like is a Criminal, though you produce no evidence and choose to ignore real criminals you like.

Think about it." 9)