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On this day in history, April 4, 1991, the Sacramento Hostage Crisis occurred.

The eight-hour standoff involving 41 hostages ended with 6 dead -- 3 hostages & 3 gunmen. The following fascinating footage shows this extreme case of young men not adjusting to their new society. 🧵

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The four hostage takers, three brothers & a friend, were Vietnamese immigrants. The young men, ages 17-21, were all having difficulty adjusting to America. They viewed taking hostages as both their revenge and their escape; their demands as extreme as their motive.

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Despite their bizarre demands the hostage takers wanted to show the authorities they were serious, and this is how they did it:

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Now knowing that the hostage takers will shoot victims the Sacramento swat team decided to act, but it didn't go as planned:

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The hostage takers didn't hesitate to return fire, but not just against the swat team -- also against their hostages. Terror ensued as the eight-hour ordeal came to this dramatic end:

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At his trial, the lone surviving gun man, Loi Nguyen, tells the court what motivated him and his brothers to take and harm hostages in the 1991 Sacramento, California crisis.