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When we look back at the Shoah, one of the smaller issues of that period was the Medical Experiments that were done on Jewish prisoners, including Jewish Children, under the auspices and direction of Dr. Josef Mengele.

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Some of those experiments done in the Concentration Camps, were about gender-changing medicines and surgeries, and sterilizations, in addition to other things.

You can probably see where Iā€™m going with this. 3)

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Because today, in the USA and Canada, and Europe, it seems these things are being done again, and they just have a new excuse. Their excuse is that some teachers and some others think that a 10-12-year-old child, who might have some worries about their identity, 4)

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should, without consulting parents, be provided medication that will stop sexual maturity and then surgery to alter their bodies that will permanently sterilize them.

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There are more than 6000 physiological differences between the human male and the human female, and the endocrine system is not quite understood even by the best experts who are still making discoveries -- 6)

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yet we are supposed to believe that cutting off a few things and giving children chemicals is OK?

It is voodoo medicine, no different than Mengele's experiments in the Concentration camps. 7)

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And there are actually physicians, licensed to practice medicine, sworn to ā€œDo No Harmā€, thinking that it is perfectly OK to change a childā€™s whole life by medical treatment & life-changing surgeries, on the basis of someoneā€™s belief that a 10-yr old can make such choices.

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What happens if a kid says she would rather be a bird?

The problem is this. The State and the Medical profession, for whatever reason, ignore moral standards, ignoring the fact that they are saying, in effect, that a 10-year-oldā€™s opinion about life and 9)

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the future is equal to that of an adult, though we do not think that about any other area of life.

Teachers that do this need to be out of education. Doctors that do this need to have their licenses revoked. 10)

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Otherwise, Dr Mengele wins. Because it is today no different than what he was doing. IF WE CAN LEARN NOTHING ELSE FROM THE SHOAH, WE SHOULD BE AT LEAST LEARNING HOW MORAL STANDARDS CAN BE WISKED AWAY BY EXCUSES." 11)