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Don Lemon interviewed the grandson of Ralph Yarl's shooter.

Lemon: Do you believe your grandfather is racist?

Ludwig: I believe he holds racist tendencies and beliefs.

Lemon: Why do you say that?

Ludwig: He's just a stock, American, Christian male.…

profile picture for @FrankDeScushin

In the Soviet Union and Maoist China youth were encouraged to turn on family members whose beliefs weren't adequately revolutionary.

We see that here, but also see it extended past family to white Christian males in general, the group today's revolution encourages you to impugn.

profile picture for @FrankDeScushin

Here's the clip in question. You can see how comfortable Ludwig, and people in general, are using one incident to criticize all Christian white men. That's anti-racism.

Criticize any other group en bloc, however, that's racism.

That's how the revolution works.