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20 Fitness Rules for Men Over 40:

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  1. Your focus in the gym is injury prevention first, results second.

  2. Using proper form is more important than the weight you're lifting.

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  1. Keep your movements smooth. Focus on time under tension to build muscle while avoiding injury.

  2. Stick with the same workouts for 8 to 16 weeks while using progressive overload to make gains in the gym.

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  1. Start your workouts with mobility to keep yourself injury free.

  2. Use bodyweight exercises pre-workout to activate the muscles you want to use in your workout.

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  1. Get your testosterone levels measured.

  2. As you age the quality of your diet has to get better.

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  1. Keep your body fat levels at a healthy range between 11-21%

  2. Eat a nutrient dense diet that's high in protein.

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  1. Eat plenty of fruits & vegetables.

  2. Get at least one hour of sun exposure a day or take vitamin D3.

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  1. Eat more organ meats as they are one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet.

  2. Attune your lifestyle to your circadian rhythms.

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  1. Do everything you can to get the hours of sleep you need while enhancing the quality of your sleep.

  2. Do some form of zone 2 cardio to keep your brain & heart healthy.

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  1. Leave your ego at the gym door and focus on smooth reps in the gym.

  2. Creatine & magnesium should be every day staples in your supplement cabinet.

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  1. Focus on your recovery as much as you do your workouts.

  2. Never use age as an excuse. Unless you were a pro athlete you can still make gains in the gym after 40.

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The older you get the more your health should be taken care of.

Hope you got value out of these rules.

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