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If you sit for more than 6 hours a day, read this:

If you sit for more than 6 hours a day, read this:
If you sit for more than 6 hours a day, read this:
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Sitting for long periods can lead to:

· Poor posture · Obesity & weight gain · Neck, shoulder & low back pain · Increased risk for depression + anxiety

and more...

Below are 6 exercises to do so you can start reversing the dangerous effects of sitting:

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Cheat codes I know at 42 I wish I knew at 22:

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  1. Use workouts to gain muscle, diet to burn fat and cardio to improve your overall health & longevity.

  2. Eat a high protein diet comprised of whole foods for the best body composition.

  3. When lifting weights use your mind to muscle connection to increase muscle contraction.

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Strongs lungs lead to a longer life.

But 99% don't know how to improve lung health.

Here are 5 powerful methods to build stronger lungs:

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  1. Max Heart Rate Cardio

This is the heavy lifting for your lungs.

A max heart rate cardio session is any activity that pushes your heart rate to the upper limits.

It can be as little as 30 seconds up to 20 minute intervals.

Do at least one of these a week.

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When an athlete is told to run at 85% they run faster than if they're told to run at 100%.

It's called the 85% rule and here's why it works:

When an athlete is told to run at 85% they run faster than if they're told to run at 100%.

It's cal
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Carl Lewis was a 9 time Olympic gold medalist who was known as a master finisher but a slow starter.

He began races 2nd to last but usually ended up finishing first.

It became known that he's wasn't performing at full throttle.

He was going at 85% the whole time.

Carl Lewis was a 9 time Olympic gold medalist who was known as a master finisher but a slow starter.
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Things I'm doing at 43 to avoid regret when I'm 73:

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  1. Taking care of my health & body so I don't become a burden to myself or my family as I get older.

  2. Making family #1. Work is work & family is life. I won't regret spending more time with my family but I might regret working too hard that I miss the ballet recital.

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Workout cheat codes I know at 43 that I wish I knew at 23:

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  1. Count backwards from your desired rep target. This tricks your mind into finishing the reps.

  2. Creatine is the most researched supplement with literally zero side effects. Take 5 grams daily to help build muscle & improve brain health.

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21 things I wish I knew before I got my body in shape

21 things I wish I knew before I got my body in shape
21 things I wish I knew before I got my body in shape
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  1. You can't out-exercise a bad diet. It's more effective to avoid eating 100 calories than it is to burn it.

  2. A pound of muscle burns 4-7 extra calories a day. Wanna burn fat in your sleep? Build muscle.

  3. If you want to build muscle you need to learn progressive overload.

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If you want to get in the best shape of your life by 2023 read this:

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  1. Get 80-90% of your calories from single ingredient nutrient dense foods.

  2. Avoid processed foods as much as possible because they're addictive, devoid of nutrients & leave you feeling empty.

  3. Eating similar meals every day is an underrated way to get lean.

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In my mid 20's to early 30's I dealt with chronic low back pain.

I went to a Chiropractor & he told me I'd have to live with the pain & get adjustments for the rest of my life.

I said screw that, searched for a different solution & fixed my back.

Here's how I did it:

In my mid 20's to early 30's I dealt with chronic low back pain.

I went to a Chiropractor & he
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I started by assessing the problem & finding the root of the issue.

My pain had nothing to do with my spine but from having a weak core, inactive glutes, lack of movement & ego lifting.

Pain is multifactorial. To fix it you need to find the issues & fix it at the root.

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For the last 6 weeks I've taped my mouth before going to sleep.

Here are 8 things I've learned:

For the last 6 weeks I've taped my mouth before going to sleep.

Here are 8 things I've learned:
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  1. Mouth breathing is a negative for sleep & your teeth

People who mouth breathe are more likely to develop sleep disorders & invite tooth decay.

Mouth breathing forces your lungs to take in too much air, which can cause snoring & can affect your oral health.

1. Mouth breathing is a negative for sleep & your teeth

People who mouth breathe are more likel
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How to get in better shape than 95% of the population (in 4 months):

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Get clear about how much food you're putting into your body

Track your foods. Measure them out. Find out the cost of each food going into your body. Note the times you eat them. Then eat less.

Doing this will give you an education you just can't learn in a diet book.

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8 Japanese philosophies that will change your life:

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  1. Ikigai

This is a term for your reason of being.

Your ikigai is your lifes purpose. It’s what brings you joy and inspires you to get out of bed every day.

Contrary to popular belief it's not about professional accomplishment.

It's about finding your bliss.

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Hard pills you need to swallow if you want to get in shape:

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If you're out of shape it means you've accepted being average.

The most contrarian thing you could do is get your body in shape.

Getting fit is the one thing that most people just can't seem to do in their life and accomplishing it makes you above average.

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Shohei Ohtani is the best baseball player on the planet.

While talented but he's been using a forgotten system of goal setting since he’s been in high school.

It's called the Harada Method & here's how it will help you achieve your biggest goals:

Shohei Ohtani is the best baseball player on the planet.

While talented but he's been using a forgo
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Takashi Harada was a high school track & field coach at the worst school in Osaka, Japan.

After years studying the world's best coaches, he created his own system.

His school went from being dead last to the #1 school in Japan producing 13 gold medal winners during his span.

Takashi Harada was a high school track & field coach at the worst school in Osaka, Japan. 

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Nutrition cheat codes I know at 43 I wish I knew at 23

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  1. Stop drinking alcohol. It's empty calories, bad for your health, increases stress & anxiety, and uplevels your appetite making you want to eat more.

  2. Stop eating at least 3-5 hours before sleeping to improve the quality of your sleep and aid in digestion.

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7 bad habits that destroy your brain:

7 bad habits that destroy your brain:
7 bad habits that destroy your brain:
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  1. Not exercising

Exercise improves memory by increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).

This helps you form new synapses and improves learning & memory.

Not exercising on a regular basis is a recipe for brain atrophy.

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The most underrated exercise on the planet are bar hangs.

But 99% of people don't even do them.

Here are 4 powerful reasons to do bar hangs every day:

The most underrated exercise on the planet are bar hangs.

But 99% of people don't even do them.

The most underrated exercise on the planet are bar hangs.

But 99% of people don't even do them.

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  1. Fix your posture

Don't want to look like a croissant? Bar hangs help strengthen & mobilize your upper body.

They also provide a constant stretch on the shoulders, back arms & lats.

This helps reverse upper body posture defects that come from sitting for too long.

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If you breathe through your mouth, read this:

If you breathe through your mouth, read this:
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Mouth breathing has been shown to cause:

· ADHD · Asthma · Sleep disorders · Chronic fatigue · Allergic reactions · Facial disfiguration · Decreased brain activity

What most people don't know is how breathing through the mouth affects the brain.

Mouth breathing has been shown to cause:

· Asthma
· Sleep disorders
· Chronic fatigue
· Alle
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More than 7 billion people use their core every day.

But most don't know how to unlock their full power.

Here are 3 powerful moves that will help you build a bulletproof core:

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  1. Anti-rotation

These are exercises that resist rotation in the lower spine.

This exercise strengthens core stability using your obliques & core to resist turning your body.

Examples: Pallof presses, bird dogs, stir pot planks

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20 Fitness Rules for Men Over 40:

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  1. Your focus in the gym is injury prevention first, results second.

  2. Using proper form is more important than the weight you're lifting.

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17 workout mistakes I made in my 20's that I'm avoiding in my 40's:

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  1. Ego lifting. You'll get better results lifting a weight that you can handle rather than one you're trying to lift to impress others around you.

  2. Not warming up properly. Dynamic stretches & muscle activation prime your body for the workout while avoiding injury.

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15 sentences about getting in shape that no one wants to hear:

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  1. Your weekends are messing up your progress. It's like taking 2 steps forward & 2 steps back. Stop using weekends as an excuse to eat like crap.

  2. Numbing your emotions with food is gonna make them worse. Learn how to manage your emotions without having to stuff your face.

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If you want to get your body in shape by the summer, read this:

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Step 1 - Track your numbers

What you measure you manage. Keep a weekly log of your weight, inches, and pictures.

I call this the trifecta of results.

You can’t rely too much on weight bc it's only one unit. You need all three to determine if you're seeing results or not.

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Over 7 billion people in the world have a butt.

But most don't know how to train it properly.

Here are the 5 best exercises to build a stronger set of glutes:

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  1. The Hip Thrust

Hip thrusts are an amazing exercise for the glutes.

They're safe because they don't load your back.

They're effective because they create tension on the glutes you begin the movement while getting peak muscular activation at the top of the movement.

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If you get less than 7 hours of sleep a night, read this:

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Long term sleep deprivation can lead to:

· Heart disease · Dementia · Alzheimer's · Type 2 diabetes · High blood pressure · Depression and anxiety · Obesity and weight gain · Reduced cognitive function

You are not your best when you don't get enough sleep. Let's fix that.

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Last year my client wanted to drop 25 lbs.

He struggled with his eating habits & wanted a sustainable plan to match his busy lifestyle.

In 3 months we dropped 25 lbs & kept it off while doubling his energy levels.

Here's the 5 step system we used to make it happen:

Last year my client wanted to drop 25 lbs.

He struggled with his eating habits & wanted a susta
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  1. The Trifecta of Results

He stepped on the scale every day & we tracked his 7 day average.

We tracked his inches every week.

We took pictures every month.

To know you're making progress you must have a collection of numbers to track on a regular basis.

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If you want a faster metabolism, read this:

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21 unwritten rules everyone should know:

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  1. Underpromise and overdeliver. People will think you're a genius.

  2. Always put your shopping cart back in the correct area. Always put your weights back where they belong.

  3. If you're having a bad day don’t make it worse by taking it out on others.

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If you have trouble falling asleep at night, read this:

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Not getting enough sleep is the worst thing you could do to your health & energy.

Chronically poor sleep can increase the risk of...

· Heart disease · Type 2 diabetes · Some forms of cancer · Dementia & Alzheimers

Want to sleep better? Follow this routine:

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A 40 year old can have the energy of a 20 year old if they did the right things for their bodies.

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How to get lean for the summer

  1. Lift weights 3x a week
  2. Walk 10k steps a day
  3. Get the right amount of sleep
  4. Hydrate with clean drinking water
  5. Eat a high protein nutrient dense diet in a calorie deficit

Take action on these every day & watch your body get lean.

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How to slow down the aging process

· Sprint · Walking · Lift weights · Zone 2 cardio · Get quality sleep · Eat fruits & veggies · Moisturize your skin · Eat a nutrient dense diet · Drink clean filtered water · Keep learning new things · Align yourself with your circadian rhythms

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How to do a hard reset for your brain in 2023:

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Stop watching porn

Porn impacts the brain like a drug by triggering large amounts of dopamine.

Over time your brain builds a tolerance & requires more extreme content to achieve the same level of pleasure.

Take back control of your mind by eliminating porn from your life.

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The 12 Best Ways to Progressively Overload Your Body

Progressive overload is the best way to build muscle in the gym.

In this thread I'll share with you the top 12 ways to apply it to your workouts.

Print this list & use it to make gains next time you're in the gym:

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  1. Lift more weight.

  2. Lift more volume.

  3. Do the same weight with increased range of motion.

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Before trying to workout, focus on hitting the gym.

Before trying to meditate, sit on the meditation cushion.

Finding it hard to stick to a habit?

Just commit to showing up.

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