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If you want to get your body in shape by the summer, read this:

profile picture for @FitFounder

Step 1 - Track your numbers

What you measure you manage. Keep a weekly log of your weight, inches, and pictures.

I call this the trifecta of results.

You can’t rely too much on weight bc it's only one unit. You need all three to determine if you're seeing results or not.

profile picture for @FitFounder

Step 2A - Clean up your diet & make it routine

Eliminate snacking & eat 3 single ingredient nutrient dense meals a day.

Get your protein to .8 to 1g per pound of bw to maintain muscle.

Eat your meals on a schedule with 3 to 5 hours apart to put your hunger on autopilot.

profile picture for @FitFounder

Step 2B - How much weight do you have to lose?

If you have 20 or more lbs to lose you can get by eating 3 single ingredient nutrient dense meals a day to get lean.

If you have less than 15 lbs you should be more exact & track your calories to measure how much you're taking in.

profile picture for @FitFounder

Step 3 - Get lifting

Do some form of weight training 3x a week.

You want to use some form of progressive overload where, on a weekly basis, you're upping weight or the reps for an exercise.

Focus on compound movements first & use isolation exercises to fill out your program.

profile picture for @FitFounder

Step 4 - Get moving

You don’t need to do cardio. Just aim to get 8-10k steps a day.

This can be morning or afternoon walks or walking meetings.

The body subconsciously slows down as you lose weight so it's best to track your steps & keep the 8-10k range.

profile picture for @FitFounder

Step 5 - Fix your sleeping habits

Quality sleep helps you increase energy, reduce appetite & regulate hormones.

Start with going to bed & waking at the same times.

I have a free guide on improving your sleep you can get here at no cost:…

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Step 6 - Treat this as a way to start a healthy lifestyle

Getting lean for the summer is a great motivator but getting healthy is a process, not an event.

As you do this start identifying with the actions you're taking.

Along with changing your body, you must change your mind.

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How to get lean in time for the summer

  1. Track your numbers
  2. Clean up your diet
  3. Start lifting weights
  4. Get 8 to 10k steps
  5. Fix your sleep
  6. Treat this as a starting point

Do this for 90 days & it should be enough to get you in better shape for the summer.

profile picture for @FitFounder

The best time to get in shape for the summer was January. The next best time is now. Do this for 90 days straight to see results.

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