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If you want a faster metabolism, read this:

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Increase your NEAT

NEAT stands for non-exercise related physical activity.

Someone who has an active lifestyle burns more calories than someone who only works out a few times a week.

Being active always burns more than being sedentary.

Aim to get 8-10k steps a day or more.

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Lift heavy shit

Strength training builds muscle mass & the more muscle you have the more calories you burn.

It won't happen overnight but the person who lifts will burn more calories than someone who doesn't because of the added muscle.

Make sure to use progressive overload:

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Eat more protein

Protein has the highest thermic effect out of all the macronutrients because it requires the most energy to digest.

It also helps you build more muscle.

Aim for .8 to 1g per pound of bodyweight for the best effect.

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Skip the fat loss pills and do these. Regardless of your age or gender use these pillars to boost your metabolism.

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