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21 unwritten rules everyone should know:

profile picture for @FitFounder
  1. Underpromise and overdeliver. People will think you're a genius.

  2. Always put your shopping cart back in the correct area. Always put your weights back where they belong.

  3. If you're having a bad day don’t make it worse by taking it out on others.

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  1. If someone treats a waiter horribly it's a sign of their character. Avoid.

  2. Avoid having strong opinions about shit you don't know about.

  3. If they cheat with you, they'll cheat on you. If they gossip with you they'll gossip about you.

profile picture for @FitFounder
  1. Your problems may not be your fault, but they are always your responsibility.

  2. Don't ask for someone's opinion and then get mad at them for giving it to you.

  3. The "touch it once” rule: As soon as you touch something complete it before moving onto the next task.

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  1. When complimenting someone make it specific about the effort they put in. Don't praise the result, praise the effort.

  2. Before you enter the elevator, let people come out first.

  3. When driving & someone lets you into traffic, make sure to do the "Thank You Wave."

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  1. Giving an excuse while making an apology nullifies the apology.

  2. Just because someone is family, doesn't mean they're a good person or that you have to be friends with them.

  3. Don't let someone borrow a book unless you have no intention of ever getting it back.

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  1. If you're borrowing something for a third time you need one of your own.

  2. Always close the toilet bowl when flushing to prevent particles from coming out.

  3. When driving a car don't be nice, be predictable.

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  1. Never propose at someone else's wedding.

  2. Your best parenting is done with the phone in the other room.

  3. Every time a dog stretches you gotta say, "Ooooh big stretch"

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Some rules are obvious. Others are unspoken. Even the simplest gestures can make your life better for yourself and others.

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