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Last year my client wanted to drop 25 lbs.

He struggled with his eating habits & wanted a sustainable plan to match his busy lifestyle.

In 3 months we dropped 25 lbs & kept it off while doubling his energy levels.

Here's the 5 step system we used to make it happen:

Last year my client wanted to drop 25 lbs.

He struggled with his eating habits & wanted a susta
profile picture for @FitFounder
  1. The Trifecta of Results

He stepped on the scale every day & we tracked his 7 day average.

We tracked his inches every week.

We took pictures every month.

To know you're making progress you must have a collection of numbers to track on a regular basis.

profile picture for @FitFounder
  1. Weights & walking

We lifted weights 3x a week to ensure he didn't lose muscle while dropping body fat.

We walked 8-10k steps a day as a low impact way to increase energy, decrease his stress & burn extra calories.

These are the only exercise you need to drop weight.

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  1. Circadian Fasting

We ate according to his circadian rhythms.

The last meal was 3 hours before sleeping.

2nd meal was 3 to 5 hours before that.

1st meal was 1-2 hours upon waking.

He ate 3 single ingredient nutrient dense meals on schedule. Replaced snacking with water.

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  1. Optimizing sleep

He had no issues going to sleep. The only issue was sleeping on time.

So we had him wear blue light blockers at least 3 hours before going to sleep.

This entrained his circadian rhythms so he started feeling sleepy by the time he wanted to go to bed.

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  1. Coaching, Accountability and Community

We customized his plan to his life, kept him accountable with multiple touchpoints a week & put him in a community of entrepreneurs who had similar goals.

Coaching, accountability & community are like adding rocket fuel to your goals.

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  1. Keep yourself honest with tracking
  2. Get exercise through weights and walking
  3. Set up your meal according to your lifestyle
  4. Optimize your sleeping habits
  5. Coaching, Accountability and Community
profile picture for @FitFounder

You're always one system away from achieving your goals. Stop procrastinating & use this to get started on your fitness goals.

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