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8 Japanese philosophies that will change your life:

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  1. Ikigai

This is a term for your reason of being.

Your ikigai is your lifes purpose. It’s what brings you joy and inspires you to get out of bed every day.

Contrary to popular belief it's not about professional accomplishment.

It's about finding your bliss.

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  1. Gaman

This term is to be patient & calm during stressful times.

Gaman translates into enduring toughness and the unbearable with patience and dignity.

It teaches us not to lose ourselves no matter how bad things get.

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  1. Kintsugi

It means, ‘to join with gold’.

Kintsugi is the art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold.

They use this as a metaphor for embracing your imperfections & always putting back together the pieces.

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  1. Oubaitori

This means never feeling the need to compare yourself to someone else.

It implies that each flower blooms in its own time and similarly, every individual has his own journey to embark on.

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  1. Hara Hachi Bu

It means to eat until you are eight parts (out of ten) full.

Instead of eating until you are stuffed aim to eat to 80% fullness.

This helps you avoid overeating and bloating while improving digestion.

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  1. Shinrin-yoku

It is known as forest bathing and it's a practice for relaxation.

The method is to be calm & quiet amongst the trees observing nature around you while breathing deeply.

Doing this lowers stress, increases creativity, and improves well-being.

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  1. Uketamo

The literal translation is “I humbly accept with an open heart.”

The sooner you can accept all the good & bad things life throws at you, the lighter you will feel.

Avoid waste time feeling sorry for yourself.

Instead, embrace your reality and deal with it.

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  1. Kaizen

In Japanese the term is made of two words:

Kai meaning change. Zen meaning good.

It is about constant and never-ending improvement.

It urges that even small changes accumulate to impact your life in a big way.

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The Japanese are known as some of the longest living & happiest people in the world. Hope you found inspiration in these philosophies.

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