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How to do a hard reset for your brain in 2023:

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Stop watching porn

Porn impacts the brain like a drug by triggering large amounts of dopamine.

Over time your brain builds a tolerance & requires more extreme content to achieve the same level of pleasure.

Take back control of your mind by eliminating porn from your life.

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Meditate daily

Meditation improves 3 areas of your brain:

Pre frontal cortex - Responsible for decision making Amygdala - Responsible for emotional response Hippocampus - Responsible for memory & learning

As little as 5 minutes a day has been shown to improve all 3 areas.

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Avoid alcohol

Alcohol affects the frontal lobes of the brain, making it harder to control emotions & urges while increasing anxiety.

Long term drinking can reduce neurons & could lead to dementia and Alzheimers.

Avoiding alcohol is a net positive for both the body & brain.

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Sweat every day

Aerobic exercise like walking or jogging can help your hippocampus grow & stimulates the growth of BDNF.

It also releases chemicals like endorphins & serotonin that improve your mood and mental health.

If you don't exercise you're not as smart as you think.

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Fix your sleeping habits

Being awake for 17 hours is akin to having a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05%

Sleep deprivation makes you moody & impairs your memory & decision-making.

Deep sleep removes toxic cellular trash from your brain. Want a better brain? Fix your sleep.

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Eat a nutrient dense diet

Eating foods that are high in nutrients helps your brain by protecting it from oxidative stress.

Vitamins, minerals & antioxidants help nourish the brain & protect it from free radicals.

One of the best ways to improve your mood is to fix your diet.

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Limit social media

When you're on social media you're walking into a room full of slot machines.

Likes, follows & other notifications activate the brain's reward center by releasing dopamine making it similar to an addictive drug.

Protect your brain by limiting your usage.

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Get to a healthy body fat level

Too much visceral fat can lead to reduced cognitive function & an altered brain structure.

Visceral fat is associated with lower gray matter volume & an inactive pre-frontal cortex.

Want a better brain? Get your body fat down to a healthy level.

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How to do a hard reset for your brain in 2023

· Stop watching porn · Meditate daily · Avoid alcohol · Exercise every day · Fix your sleeping habits · Eat a nutrient dense diet · Limit yourself from social media · Get yourself to a healthy body fat level

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Your brain is the operating system for your entire body. Give it a reset by following the tips on this thread.

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