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Hard pills you need to swallow if you want to get in shape:

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If you're out of shape it means you've accepted being average.

The most contrarian thing you could do is get your body in shape.

Getting fit is the one thing that most people just can't seem to do in their life and accomplishing it makes you above average.

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The more fat you have the worse your brain works

Being fat (especially in the belly) reduces blood flow to the brain responsible for decision making & emotional control.

This is not a statement but a scientific fact.

If you want your brain to work better get your body in shape

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Your family is watching.

How being out of shape affects your family:

  1. You lack the energy to play w/ your kids
  2. You lack the libido to have sex with your partner
  3. You set yourself up for an early death

Lastly, you are the example of what health should look like.

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It's a psychological process

You can have the best plan on the planet but it won't work if you don't change your identity & deal with your emotions.

This means turning into the person who loves to exercise & eat healthy foods.

It means no using food to numb your emotions.

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No one cares

Most people are out of shape, which means they prefer you to stay right where you are.

No one will care if you change your exercise or eating habits. In fact, they might try to stop you.

The only person who cares will be you and maybe your family.

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It'll be slower than you think

Speeding up the process never helped anyone.

Getting in shape is not a 6 week challenge. It's a lifestyle change.

You must prepare for the long road ahead or you'll end up losing your results as fast as you got them.

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Misinformation is rampant

Information is everywhere & it takes time to figure out what is real.

What you see on social media are usually the extremes.

For most people health is not about eliminating carbs or eating only meat.

It's about finding balance.

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Food is a drug & most people are addicts

We use food when we're sad.

We use food when we celebrate.

We use food to numb our stress levels.

We approach food much like addicts approach drugs & alcohol but because it's accepted no one wants to admit it.

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After reading all of this you may be wondering,

"What's the point then?"

Anything worth having is going to come with obstacles.

It's better to know them up front than have them hit you in the face when you're not looking.

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If getting in shape was a video game these would be the bosses to overcome. Use this as a guide to navigating the pitfalls.

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