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More than 7 billion people use their core every day.

But most don't know how to unlock their full power.

Here are 3 powerful moves that will help you build a bulletproof core:

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  1. Anti-rotation

These are exercises that resist rotation in the lower spine.

This exercise strengthens core stability using your obliques & core to resist turning your body.

Examples: Pallof presses, bird dogs, stir pot planks

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  1. Anti-lateral flexion

These are exercises that resist side-bending.

These exercises use your obliques to resist motion to help maintain proper hip & core position.

Examples: Single arm arm farmer carries, side planks, tall kneeling landmine presses

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  1. Anti-extension

These are exercises that resist extension or arching at the lower part of your back aka. the lumbar spine.

These exercises strengthen your core while providing added protection for your spine.

Examples: Planks, dead bugs or ab wheels.

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Breathing & Bracing

Bracing activates the core by pushing it out to increase stability for any movement.

Breathing creates intra-abdominal pressure that supports your ability to brace.

Use both of these while doing the core exercises above to protect & power the body.

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The 3 Best Core Exercises:

  1. Anti-extension
  2. Anti-rotation
  3. Anti-lateral flexion

While doing these exercises use breathing & bracing to activate your core to unlock its full potential.

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Skip the crunches & sit-ups & do these instead. You'll build a strong core while bulletproofing your body from injury.

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