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21 things I wish I knew before I got my body in shape

21 things I wish I knew before I got my body in shape
21 things I wish I knew before I got my body in shape
profile picture for @FitFounder
  1. You can't out-exercise a bad diet. It's more effective to avoid eating 100 calories than it is to burn it.

  2. A pound of muscle burns 4-7 extra calories a day. Wanna burn fat in your sleep? Build muscle.

  3. If you want to build muscle you need to learn progressive overload.

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  1. Don't rely on cardio to burn fat. Do it because it makes your brain & mood better.

  2. You don't need to have a six-pack. Just get your body to a level where you can be confident & prevent disease.

  3. What you eat has an effect on your mental health. Food affects your mood.

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  1. Eating healthy is a ratio, not an event. Get 90% of your calories from nutrient-dense foods & 10% from fun sources.

  2. Eat .8 to 1g of protein per lb of body weight to build & maintain muscle.

  3. Volumize your meals with vegetables & water makes you feel fuller.

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  1. A diet is meant to be a lifestyle. Choose a diet that best fits how you live life.

  2. Your focus should not be to lose weight as fast as possible. It should be to lose it in a sustainable way.

  3. It's not about losing weight. It's about losing body fat & building muscle.

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  1. If you're gaining weight you're in a calorie surplus. If you're losing it's because you're in a deficit.

  2. All diets that help you lose weight are because they make you eat less calories.

  3. How you eat is as important as what you eat. Eat slowly & mindfully.

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  1. Weigh & measure yourself frequently, track your workouts & track your food. What you measure is what you manage.

  2. Warm up with dynamic stretches & bodyweight exercises to boost performance.

  3. Don't eat until you're stuffed. Eat until you're not hungry anymore.

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  1. Make light weights feel heavy. This keeps your form tight & your joints healthy.

  2. Sleep is the lead domino for recovery, energy & appetite control. Make it a priority.

  3. As you get in shape you must change your identity. Don't set a goal. Become the goal.

profile picture for @FitFounder

I've got more but I'll save it for later.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

A healthy body is a true catalyst for amazing things to happen in your life.

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