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The 12 Best Ways to Progressively Overload Your Body

Progressive overload is the best way to build muscle in the gym.

In this thread I'll share with you the top 12 ways to apply it to your workouts.

Print this list & use it to make gains next time you're in the gym:

profile picture for @FitFounder
  1. Lift more weight.

  2. Lift more volume.

  3. Do the same weight with increased range of motion.

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  1. Lift the same weight and volume with less rest time between sets.

  2. Lift the same weight with more speed and acceleration while maintaining good form.

  3. Lift the same weight with better form, more control, and less effort.

profile picture for @FitFounder
  1. Doing more work in the same amount of time.

  2. Doing the same amount of work in less time.

  3. Doing more sets with the same weight and reps.

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  1. Doing the same workouts with more frequency throughout the week.

  2. Doing the same work while losing weight.

  3. Lifting the same load & volume and then extending the set past technical failure (ie. forced reps, drop sets, rest pause training etc..)

profile picture for @FitFounder

There are many ways to make gains in the gym. You now have 12.

While this is a philosophy for weight training you can apply this to many areas of life such as focus, productivity & even sex.

Progressive overload is a principle for both life & the gym.

Use it to your advantage.

profile picture for @FitFounder

One thing I will add to this list is everything is done with good form. Perfect practice makes perfect.

Hope you got some value out of this.

If you want more threads like this on your feed then follow me @FitFounder