Nutrition cheat codes I know at 43 I wish I knew at 23
Stop drinking alcohol. It's empty calories, bad for your health, increases stress & anxiety, and uplevels your appetite making you want to eat more.
Stop eating at least 3-5 hours before sleeping to improve the quality of your sleep and aid in digestion.
Don't eat until you feel stuffed. Eat until you're at a fullness level of 8 out of 10.
Put your body on a regular schedule of meals. This helps train your hunger.
Chew your food slowly until it becomes liquid. This helps you become fuller & save energy used for digestion.
Think of eating as a ratio, instead of an event. A good ratio is to get 80% of your calories from whole unprocessed sources & 20% from whatever you want.
Drink a glass of water before & after your meals to feel fuller and more satisfied.
Don't drink water with a meal because this makes you eat faster.
Need to lower your LDL cholesterol but don’t like the idea of taking statins? Take psyllium husk. It's been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol by up to 25%.
A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before a meal can contribute to improved blood glucose control.
Increase the size of each meal as the day goes on. Big meals make you sleepy, which is not ideal for desk work but ideal for going to sleep.
Drink a protein shake before a meal to decrease hunger and increase fullness while giving you some extra muscle-building protein.
Stop distracting yourself when eating. This makes you ignore your signals for satiety and digestion. It also gives your brain 2 pleasure signals, which means twice the dopamine release from one meal.
For fat loss, it's always a good idea to go to bed a little hungry.
Keep some raw veggies around you just in case you need to snack. If you need to eat raw veggies, it is probably a sign you're hungry.
Drink sparkling water throughout the day. It keeps you hydrated while also reducing hunger and sugar cravings.
Use smaller plates when eating meals. People who eat from smaller dishes have reported greater satiety, and as a result, lower caloric intake.
Chew gum after meals. Doing this can boost satiety & help reduce snacking and cravings in the afternoon.
Start your day with a shake with protein, creatine, greens powder & psyllium husk to help build muscle, regulate hunger & have steady energy levels.
Take a walk with your family after a meal to improve digestion and have a ritual to do together.
I've taught you in 2 minutes what it's taken me 20 years to learn. Use these cheat codes in your nutrition for better results.
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