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17 workout mistakes I made in my 20's that I'm avoiding in my 40's:

profile picture for @FitFounder
  1. Ego lifting. You'll get better results lifting a weight that you can handle rather than one you're trying to lift to impress others around you.

  2. Not warming up properly. Dynamic stretches & muscle activation prime your body for the workout while avoiding injury.

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  1. Lifting in a fasted state. I feel stronger when I have a bit of carbs and protein in my stomach before lifting.

  2. Not eating enough protein. Protein is the most anabolic of all macronutrients and is critical to building muscle. .8 to 1g per lbs is enough to see gains.

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  1. Not tracking my workouts. You won't get as strong as you could be if you don't track every set and rep you perform in the gym.

  2. Not having a plan. Having a bad plan is better than having no plan at all. Come in knowing what you're doing rather than doing random shit.

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  1. Always changing my workouts. Getting strong and building muscle is about doing the same workouts over & over while getting stronger at them.

  2. No mind-to-muscle connection. When lifting you need to focus on the muscles you're using to get the most out of them.

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  1. Not using any machines. Machines are one of the best ways to take your body close to failure without wrecking your joints.

  2. Not doing any cardio. Cardio helps you by improving your heart, lungs & capillaries, which helps increase muscular endurance.

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  1. Copying bodybuilder's workouts. Following the training program of someone who's on steroids is not advisable for someone who trains as a natural.

  2. Not taking creatine. Creatine is one of the most researched supplements that help with building muscle & brain function.

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  1. Using the wrong tempo. If the goal is to build muscle go slowly & stress the eccentric. If your goal is to build power, move the weight as fast as possible.

  2. Not being hydrated enough. Your body can go through 2 liters of water in an intense workout. Drink more water.

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  1. Not using progressive overload. Increasing weight & volume are the foundations of gaining muscle.

  2. Low quality sleep. Bad sleep lowers testosterone & slows down recovery.

  3. Not getting a coach. Coaches keep you accountable & reduce the time it takes to get results.

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I'm sure there are more but I'll stop there. Here's to you making better gains in the gym by avoiding these costly workout mistakes.

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