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Most people don’t know where to go to learn about copywriting.

Here are 9 ways (and 11 resources) to learn about how you can write captivating copy:

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If you don’t understand the basics of copy… you won’t get far.

Copywriting is a skill that everyone should take the time to learn because…

Understanding the basics alone improve your: • sales skills • social skills • writing skills • marketing skills

Let’s learn how...

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  1. Start by Reading

There’s a ton of amazing knowledge on copywriting in books.

I would pick no more than 5 to read. Once you hit that number you should start practicing daily.

Below are a list of books to get you started (many of them have free online PDF’s that you can get).

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Copywriting Books:

Made to Stick Cashvertising Dotcom Secrets The Boron Letters Scientific Advertising Ogilvy on Advertising The Ultimate Sales Letter Breakthrough Copywriting The Robert Collier Letter Book The Adweek Copywriting Handbook How to Win Friends and Influence People

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  1. Copywriting Term Guide

Instead of explaining a ton of different copywriting terms I’ll just give them to you…

Google the terms and then “copywriting” and read the top three posts for each term. Check off each item on the list.

For example Google: “Open loops copywriting”

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Copywriting term guide:

• lead • hook • big idea • open loops • storytelling • social proof • big promise • power words • future pacing • awareness levels • asking questions • crafting headlines • unique mechanism • Bencivenga’s bullets • benefits over features

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  1. Take Notes

You’ll be learning a lot of new things so taking notes is vital.

Handwritten notes have been proven to boost brain activity and optimize memory.

Focus on writing down: • the main idea • an example For everything you learn about.

Which leads me to…

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  1. Studying

While it’s important to look over your notes at least once a month…

Pay attention to the ads and marketing that are already around you.

• pop-ups • websites • commercials • Twitter hooks

How’s the headline? What’s the big idea? Who are they targeting?


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  1. Practice

You should be studying the world around you but also applying what you know daily.

Use copywriting in: • conversations • school papers • work documents • social media posts

Write a little bit every day. Even if it’s just a tweet.

You can earn some money too…

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Here’s how:

  1. Find a product
  2. Rewrite the copy on their sales page
  3. Reach out to the creator and offer to give them the newly written copy for free or for a small charge (<$100)

This is a great way to practice and get paid.

You should also dissect:

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Here’s how you can dissect and practice:

  1. go find some sales pages on the sites mentioned below or through a simple Google search
  2. read through the page then list out these things: • lead • hook • offer • big idea • promise • pain points • awareness level
  3. then…
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Dissect how they did everything above.

It’s good to see examples and breakdown the reasoning behind certain word choices.

So to recap practice…

Step #1: Breakdown the sales page through the points above

Step #2: Dissect how they used certain wording to address the points

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  1. FREE Value Packed Resources

The best places to search for these resources will always be: • Google • YouTube • Twitter (people giving away free guides)

You should be starting out with the term guide above but…

Here are three great online resources for learning more:

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  1. Paid Resources

I didn’t read a single book before I got my first client but… I did buy a course.

It saves you SO much time and I highly recommend it.

S&Me > S&P

  • Hormozi

But I don’t want to throw you into a sea of bad copywriting courses so…

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Here are the best courses I’ve taken:

Landing page copywriting course (aff):…

There’s one more but it comes with FREE bonuses…

I took the time to: • write down my notes • video walkthroughs of each section • talk about my own personal experiences

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And it’s not for those that want to “try” copywriting.

It’s for people that want to invest in a value-packed course to learn and actually make money from it. And all you have to do…

Is invest through this link and I’ll give you the bonuses for FREE:…

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A recap: • books • term guide • take notes • study • practice • follow great people • FREE resources • best sites • paid resources

Follow thread as a guide… Practice every day… And you’ll be above 40% of copywriters within a month.

And of course…