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3.2 billion people use Chrome as their browser…

But no one knows all the best extensions Chrome has to offer.

Here are 13 extensions that you shouldn't live without…

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  1. ScribeHow

Scribe allows me to record a video going over something and automatically puts it into a step-by-step guide.

Saves me time when:

  • teaching clients
  • onboarding
  • making SOPs

1) ScribeHow

Scribe allows me to record a video going over something and automatically puts it into
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ChatGPT combined with modern marketing is going to make people millions in 2023.

Here’s the system they’ll use (and how you can copy them with the help of ChatGPT):

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What I’m about to show you is powerful BUT you need to understand marketing basics.


I’ve had my eyes glued to every marketing video/article over the past two years so I can show you what you need to know AND…

How you can use ChatGPT copy what they do.

To start…

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Most people don’t know how to use transition words.

Use these 17 phrases to make your copy more effective (with examples):

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  1. Lead Transitions

• But before you do… • As a matter of fact, I first… • But before I tell you what it is… • You need to understand one thing:

The first open loop you create in your copy happens right before these transitions. Why?

Let me show you an example first…

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15 different kinds of funnels: • VSL • Hero • Summit • Tripwire • Invisible • Webinar • Squeeze • Challenge • Live demo • Sales letter • Application • Survey/Quiz • Membership • Ask campaign • Product launch

Here’s the proven way to use each one (with examples):

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  1. VSL funnel

Best used: • low ticket offers that you want to inject your personality into (Russel Brunson does this) • high ticket offers where people book a call

Low-ticket: • sales page • one time offer • thank you page

High-ticket: • sales page • Calendly link


1) VSL funnel

Best used:
• low ticket offers that you want to inject your personality into (Russel
1) VSL funnel

Best used:
• low ticket offers that you want to inject your personality into (Russel
1) VSL funnel

Best used:
• low ticket offers that you want to inject your personality into (Russel
1) VSL funnel

Best used:
• low ticket offers that you want to inject your personality into (Russel
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#1 Photosonic

You can finally ditch the constant Google search for photos to use.

This tool uses AI to generate unique photos that you can use for your: • landing pages • copywriting • website • ads

And it’s fun to use!

Try it out for free:

#1 Photosonic

You can finally ditch the constant Google search for photos to use.

This tool uses A
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It’s rumored that 60% of all sales are driven by FOMO marketing…

So if you’re not using FOMO you’re missing out on $1000’s of sales.

Here are 7 ways you can use it in your marketing:

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  1. Apply Urgency

The easiest way to apply this? Adding a deadline. And nothing gets people moving faster than a deadline.

You should also make sure you have something that happens after time is up.

A couple of examples: • price goes up • bonuses go away • product off market

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9 main high-income services: • copywriting • web design • self improvement • fitness • email marketing • lead gen • social media management • FB/Google ads • SEO

Here are 111 lead magnet (free guides) ideas across all of them:

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  1. Copywriting:
  • Templates
    • Headlines
    • Subheadings
    • CTA's
  • Swipe File access
  • Best Words to Use When Writing Mouth Watering Copy
  • How to Write Benefits instead of Features
  • How to Perform Market Research
  • How to Research your Competitors
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Steal my business idea:

• spend 30+ hours learning email marketing or landing pages • practice by doing work for free • once you start getting results find someone who knows the skill you didn’t pick • package your offer together and charge 2x…


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Made a client $12,500 in 7 days and barely did anything…

She had an email list of 544 people. Hadn’t emailed them in 2 years. And I closed 10 of them for $1250 each.

Want to know how?

Here’s EXACTLY what I did:

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Why am I showing you this? The exact magic behind my best performing projects?

Because my account is private and it no longer serves me to “try and go viral”

Now I can focus on ONLY delivering value and barely any fluff.

So to celebrate this “value week”…

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Want the best landing page resources?

I’ve gathered all the resources I’ve used from building landing pages for the last two years…

Here’s your Landing Page Study Guide:

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Landing pages are the key behind any successful offer.

Increasing your conversion rates could mean the difference in $1000’s.

Whether you want to learn and sell this powerful skill to others… Or harness its power for your own offers…

It’s important you understand this…

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I've been gathering all the best paid and free marketing resources over the last 3 years.

And I'm finally giving that list away...

Steal the 89 websites, software, and courses I use on a daily basis:

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I’ve made over 173 landing pages in my lifetime and one thing has never changed…

My landing page workflow.

Steal the 11 steps I use to make all my own and client landing pages:

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This process has taken me two years to find and tweak. And in doing so…

I make pages: • convert higher • faster than most people

So if either of those sound cool to you… Read on (you’ll even get a gift at the end).

If it doesn’t interest you… Thanks for trying :)


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  1. Google Optimize

Free split testing! • enter a couple of tracking codes • make the changes you want • start split-testing within minutes!

Perfect for testing different elements on your page to increase conversions.

Check it out here:

1) Google Optimize

Free split testing!
• enter a couple of tracking codes
• make the changes you wa
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Can’t get your first client?

Here’s the exact process I used to get my first client nearly two years ago…


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  1. Look for Google Ads

When you do a search for your market, look for the websites that are using Google Ads.

This means they are paying to grow their business and are more likely to pay you.

A simple search for protein powder gives me ecom stores I could offer my services.

1. Look for Google Ads

When you do a search for your market, look for the websites that are using G
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How do you create an attention grabbing headline?

7 headline ideas you can steal… • use numbers • ask a question • call out a problem • use power trigrams • make a specific promise • write long specific headlines • put powerful words at the start


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Numbers: 17 Ways to Increase Engagement on Your Tweets

Tips: • always use odd numbers (if possible) • make it very benefit focused • make it believable (crazy numbers don’t do anyone any good)

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Most people don’t know where to go to learn about copywriting.

Here are 9 ways (and 11 resources) to learn about how you can write captivating copy:

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If you don’t understand the basics of copy… you won’t get far.

Copywriting is a skill that everyone should take the time to learn because…

Understanding the basics alone improve your: • sales skills • social skills • writing skills • marketing skills

Let’s learn how...

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High-converting lead generation landing page for high ticket services:



             social proof


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benefits with icons

      more social proof

3-5 step process broken down

       what’s included


        basic about me

           social proof


              final CTA
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Market research SUCKS! But it doesn’t have to…

Here’s how I get my clients to do 90% of it for me:

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You’ve probably heard it a million times: “Define your ideal customer avatar!”

Everyone practically yells at you to do it. Easier said than done though right?

Well today I’ll take you through the exact process I use to extract the ideal customer from my client.

But first…

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13 must-have elements on any landing page broken down…

An analysis of one of my favorite landing pages of all time:

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I came across this page recently and it checks every box.

It’s for a membership group but the principles can be applied for any product or program.

You’ll learn: • what’s vital to have on any converting page • how easy it is to do everything yourself • examples of everything

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I’ve worked on over 150 profitable landing pages. But…

There are a couple of things I do every time a landing page isn’t converting well…

Steal the exact system I used to double the 16% conversion rate and hit 33% to cold traffic:

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First I want to nail down one idea in your head… Landing pages are not one-time projects!

The best pages are constantly being tweaked. So if you want your pages converting well and generating lots of sales…

You’ll need a bullet proof testing system. Today you can steal mine…

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I’ve been paid anywhere from 4 to 5-figures to build out funnels for clients.

And there’s one method I use to come up with a converting design in less than an hour every single time.

Here’s how I ethically “steal” high-converting funnels:

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The importance of this method lays in the time it saves you…

Could you build a restaurant faster if someone already laid down the foundation and put up some of the walls? Of course!

So when you’re making landing pages and funnels… why are you starting from scratch?


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Landing pages for high ticket programs and services can be tricky…

Here’s how I lay out the whole page:



                   CTA ————————————
             social proof…
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pain points + creating interest

     benefits with icons

3-5 step process broken down

         more social proof

       more copy + pricing

    money back guarantee

           about the creator

         more social proof…
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Want to create a lead generating landing page?

Follow these 9 steps to create pages that convert at more than 50%…

There’s a surprise for those that read until the end…


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I’ve created more than 10 pages that have converted at 50% or more now. While that doesn’t seem like much it took me awhile to get to that point.

Now some weeks they convert at 80% or higher!

Here’s exactly what you need to do to get the same results…

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  1. Number + Adjective + Keyword + Rationale + Promise

Examples: “9 Secrets for a HUGE Increase in Email Opt-Ins within Weeks” “7 Reasons Your Landing Page Isn’t Converting As It Should”

Piques interest while also promising them something.

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  1. Avoid and Mistakes

“7 Landing Page Mistakes to Avoid and How to Fix Them”

Words to use: • stop • avoid • without

Makes them question their current state and urges them to keep reading and learn what mistakes they made.

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The other day I found a way to make ChatGPT create a customer avatar with one prompt.

It took 90 seconds and cut about an hour off my research time.

Here’s how I did it:

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Getting landing page clients is easy with this method…

• go to Google • search a niche you want to work with • ex: Guitar Lessons • click on the Google Ads results • think of ways to improve their page • reach out to them and offer to increase conversion

Here’s why…

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The best thing you can do as a marketer… Create a swipe file.

But it can take YEARS to gather great material so…

Here are the 5 best FREE swipe files sites for landing pages:

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  1. Landing Folio

This might be my new favorite. It’s one of the only swipe files that shows desktop and mobile versions of pages.

• search by industry, device, or color • modern examples • one of the biggest swipe files I’ve seen

Here it is:

1) Landing Folio

This might be my new favorite. It’s one of the only swipe files that shows desktop
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If you’re looking for a simple landing page for a Gumroad product… steal this one (breakdown):

If you’re looking for a simple landing page for a Gumroad product… steal this one (breakdown):
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If you have a Gumroad product you’re missing out on sales if you don’t have a custom page like this.

I’ve seen significant increases in conversion rate from doing this (doubled and tripled).

I’ll tell you how you can build it out yourself by ‘stealing’ this page. Let’s dive in!

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Marketing experts spend years studying the art of persuasion…

But there are 7 main triggers that you can push on to match the experts.

One of which was responsible for 4,000,000 of these posters being printed.

Here’s why…

Marketing experts spend years studying the art of persuasion…

But there are 7 main triggers that yo
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You’ve probably seen this poster before (it goes along with the first tip I’ll give you).

The poster was made 100 years ago and was printed more than 4 million times in the final year of World War I.

• Uncle Sam looks right at you • calls you out directly

And point #1…

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