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I’ve made over 173 landing pages in my lifetime and one thing has never changed…

My landing page workflow.

Steal the 11 steps I use to make all my own and client landing pages:

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This process has taken me two years to find and tweak. And in doing so…

I make pages: • convert higher • faster than most people

So if either of those sound cool to you… Read on (you’ll even get a gift at the end).

If it doesn’t interest you… Thanks for trying :)


profile picture for @LoftedLearning
  1. Define the basics

Take the time to write out the answers to these questions:

• what is the source of traffic we’ll be using (paid or organic)? • are we pushing people towards a call, signup, or sale? • are there any pages doing this in my nice that I could model?

profile picture for @LoftedLearning
  1. Product-market fit?

Before you spend hours on your landing page only to see it flop…

You need to make sure this is actually something people want!

So think to yourself… Are we launching something new? Is there any social proof? Can we survey the audience?

Here’s why…

profile picture for @LoftedLearning

Launching something new will be met with a lot of resistance. So…

Giving it away to ideal customers and then asking for feedback is best.

And even better than that…

Surveying your ideal audience will grant you much more insights (something I try to do with all my clients).

profile picture for @LoftedLearning
  1. Gathering

To organize and streamline the actual construction of the page…

It’s best to gather all the: • social proof • colors to be used • images needed

This will keep everything nice and simple when you actually start building the page out.

profile picture for @LoftedLearning
  1. Research

Bleh I know. But if you do this right it won’t take long…

• ideally you survey your audience • research direct and indirect competitors (and see what angle/emotion they’re selling to) • layout your ideal customer

Here are the ideal customer questions I answer:

profile picture for @LoftedLearning
  1. Start the copy

Here’s where things start to get fun…

• layout all the product/service features • turn them all into benefits • then turn all of those into mini-headlines

Each of those bullet points should sell! That’s why the mini-headlines are important.


profile picture for @LoftedLearning
  1. Addressing the customer

To write captivating copy you need to address what they’re already thinking about…

• layout all possible objections/concerns • rank them in order of when your customer will think of them • address each one in 3-5 sentences

Wha-La! You have copy.

profile picture for @LoftedLearning
  1. Start the page from head to toe

Now that you have a bulk of the copy written out along with the benefits of your product…

It’s time to write out the: • headline • subheading • lead • connection to first objection

And once you have that… It’s time.

profile picture for @LoftedLearning
  1. Start building!

We haven’t even been in the page builder yet.

Most times I’ll organize all of this in a document so I can keep it organized.

Only then will I actually open up the page builder and add all of this in. And remember…

We just need a starting point. No design.

profile picture for @LoftedLearning
  1. Work your way down

I take my time here. Once I added everything into the page (copy-wise) I’ll go back up to the top and start editing it.

I’ll make my way to the bottom again. Go to the top of the page… And start adding design elements.

I repeat this process a few times.

profile picture for @LoftedLearning

It’s an interesting but fairly long process so I won’t bore you with it here. But…

If you’re interested in looking over my shoulder as I build a landing page from scratch…

I highly recommend you check this out:…

But anyway… Back to the thread!

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  1. Mobile view

Once I have the desktop view dialed in… I’ll hop over to mobile and start adjusting it.

My process is usually back and forth between making changes on my computer and then checking those changes on my phone.

I usually get this done in 20-30 minutes.

profile picture for @LoftedLearning
  1. Final review

Now that the page is 95% done… I run it by: • the target audience • other landing page creators • other copywriters

I ask for some feedback and any points that aren’t clear on the page.

I try to let it sit for a day or two so I can come back to it as well.

profile picture for @LoftedLearning

It’s important to get fresh eyes and other people’s thoughts on your page.

You likely won’t get it right on your first try. But…

This is the exact workflow I’ve been using for nearly two years and it’s gotten me pretty close every time.


profile picture for @LoftedLearning

Steal this workflow and try it for yourself. And to give you a little guidance…

Here’s a gift.

Most landing pages make basic mistakes that cost them sales and signups. So…

I made a guide going over exactly how you can fix each one.

Unlock it here:…