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ChatGPT combined with modern marketing is going to make people millions in 2023.

Here’s the system they’ll use (and how you can copy them with the help of ChatGPT):

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What I’m about to show you is powerful BUT you need to understand marketing basics.


I’ve had my eyes glued to every marketing video/article over the past two years so I can show you what you need to know AND…

How you can use ChatGPT copy what they do.

To start…

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Have you noticed that everybody under the sun is starting to give away free stuff?

• free guides • free samples • free resources

And so much more…

The reason for this is quite simple and something that is vital to understand.

Because people make millions doing it…

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By giving people something for free you expand your reach of potential customers.

Here’s how it works:

  1. someone scrolls by and sees some content
  2. they go to their bio to learn more
  3. they see a link for a free guide
  4. they signup and get a TON of value


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The creator has a: • warm lead • email address • excuse to further the relationship

Good marketing functions by providing a ton of value for very little in return.

Using this strategy and ChatGPT…

Anyone can start generating tons of warm leads and money on autopilot.


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Here’s an overview of the system big companies use: • lead magnet • upsell to low-ticket offer • welcome sequence to nurture • push towards high-ticket items • weekly engagement until conversion

To build this yourself? You need years of experience.

But there’s a shortcut…

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You can either: • build an audience yourself • message someone that already has one

Once you have access to an audience…

You can build out this system with the help of ChatGPT.

And instead of wasting years learning how to do it…

I’ll teach you over the next 19 tweets :)

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First you need to construct a lead magnet (the free thing we’re giving away).

Go into ChatGPT and search: “What are some lead magnet ideas for {niche}?”

For our example we’ll be using fitness coaches because everyone knows what they do.

Here’s what ChatGPT came up with:

First you need to construct a lead magnet (the free thing we’re giving away).

Go into ChatGPT and s
First you need to construct a lead magnet (the free thing we’re giving away).

Go into ChatGPT and s
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So now you have a ton of ideas for what your lead magnet can be.

Now you need to build it out. And technically…

You can just have ChatGPT write it for you but I would advise against that.

The output is very general and doesn’t provide real value.


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Use your knowledge (or an expert’s) to write out a valuable mini-guide.

And if you need ideas? Use ChatGPT as a starting point. But if you need more lead magnet help…

Here’s a free mini-guide I made with 111 lead magnet ideas:…

The next thing…

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We need to create a landing page to collect their information.

Here’s what it should look like:


    image             • 3 bullet points


Back to ChatGPT for the copy…

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If you have any copywriting experience I recommend you write the page out yourself.

If you don’t…

Using ChatGPT as a starting point will work just fine.

For our example I’ll be creating a headline and subheading for a fitness lead magnet.

Here’s what ChatGPT came up with:

If you have any copywriting experience I recommend you write the page out yourself.

If you don’t…
If you have any copywriting experience I recommend you write the page out yourself.

If you don’t…
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Make the subheading based off the pain point ChatGPT came up with and use the headline as a starting point.

Then just write out 3-5 bullets for what’s inside the mini-guide and you’re good to go!

But here’s where you can start selling low-ticket or high-ticket items…

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Now that you have an email list full of warm leads you want to: • introduce yourself • give them more value • show off some social proof • sell!

Following our fitness coach example let’s think of all the things we could offer our audience…

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• low-ticket guides • monthly coaching • access to a group

The options are endless. But high-ticket is where the money is.

For whatever you choose you need to follow one marketing tip…

Always apply pressure on pain points.

Here’s what I mean by that…

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In order to really sell to someone…

You need to understand how they feel.

Lucky for you ChatGPT helps with this too.

I searched up: “Why do people dislike their body?”

Because that’s one of the reasons why someone would hire a fitness coach.

Here’s the output from ChatGPT:

In order to really sell to someone…

You need to understand how they feel.

Lucky for you ChatGPT he
In order to really sell to someone…

You need to understand how they feel.

Lucky for you ChatGPT he
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Now we have 7 strong pain points as to why someone would hire a fitness coach.

But what do you do with this information?

You feed off it!

In: • emails • social media content • and every other interaction

You mention these pain points and then say you have a solution…

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In our case: We have a 12-week fitness program that can make people feel good about their bodies again!

But for whatever offer you’re selling…

It should solve one of (if not their biggest) pain points.

What’s next you ask?

Well here’s what the big companies will do…

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• make a ton of content • keep making new lead magnets • get more and more people inside their email list • nurture them through addressing pain points and value • point them toward taking action

And they’ll make a LOT of money doing it.

The good part for us?

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It works on a smaller scale too.

You don’t need thousands of leads to make thousands of dollars. Heck you don’t even need 1,000 leads!

If you make a specific lead magnet… For a specific niche of people… You’re bound to convert a % of them to your high-ticket offer.


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Here’s the process for you to follow: • lead magnet • upsell to low-ticket offer • welcome sequence to nurture • push towards high-ticket items • weekly engagement until they convert

Use ChatGPT throughout to: • give you ideas • help you craft copy

But be warned…

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ChatGPT should never replace all of your market research or copywriting.

It spits out good ideas but you should always be adding your own personal knowledge and touch onto things.


Your entire business or voice turns into a robot. And we don’t want that.

To recap…

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Thousands of companies are using this exact system to make millions.

And honestly…

You can copy the same system and use ChatGPT to help you craft the perfect angle.

So no excuses from you!

But here are the best ways I’ve found to use ChatGPT throughout this process…

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• Don’t expect ChatGPT to write great copy! Use it as a starting point and to generate ideas. • Use it more for research instead of creation. • Mention specific things to get a specific outputs (pain points, beliefs, awareness level)

How have you been using ChatGPT?

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And if you need more help…

• creating an lead magnet landing page that converts at 50%+ • writing out an email sequence that nurtures warm leads • or just building out the funnel

Send me a DM below and I’ll point you in the right direction👇…

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I even just came out with a guide that teaches how to…

• create landing pages that convert • craft offers that sell like hot coffee on a cold day • write copy that makes people pull out their credit cards instantly

You can check it out here:…