profile picture for @LoftedLearning

If you’re looking for a simple landing page for a Gumroad product… steal this one (breakdown):

If you’re looking for a simple landing page for a Gumroad product… steal this one (breakdown):
profile picture for @LoftedLearning

If you have a Gumroad product you’re missing out on sales if you don’t have a custom page like this.

I’ve seen significant increases in conversion rate from doing this (doubled and tripled).

I’ll tell you how you can build it out yourself by ‘stealing’ this page. Let’s dive in!

profile picture for @LoftedLearning
  1. Hero section

The top section that you see is called the hero section.

Considering it’s the only section that everyone is guaranteed to see… it’s important.

The simplicity and colors here are GREAT.

But there are some things I would change…

1) Hero section

The top section that you see is called the hero section.

Considering it’s the only
profile picture for @LoftedLearning

Here’s what they did well: • great headline + subheading • benefit bullets above the fold • social proof in the form of credibility • bright action based CTA

Here’s what they could fix: • star rating above the headline with # of people that bought • testimonial below CTA

profile picture for @LoftedLearning
  1. Main copy

Have this section high up in your page is vital. It breaks down some pain points and shares an interesting story of how this product came to be.

They even weave in proof that these headlines are proven to work.

Check it out:

2) Main copy

Have this section high up in your page is vital. It breaks down some pain points and s
profile picture for @LoftedLearning
  1. Main benefits

I love writing out the three main benefits with icons. It’s something I do on most of my pages.

The social proof is a great touch that can be put at the bottom of most sections.

Use if you need icons.

Read through what they did:

3) Main benefits

I love writing out the three main benefits with icons. It’s something I do on most
profile picture for @LoftedLearning
  1. Examples!

People want to see a little bit before they buy. By giving them a “sneak peek” you’re intriguing them more.

They put examples for different platforms and even included a video going over everything inside.

I do this on my pages by revealing chapter titles/lessons.

4) Examples!

People want to see a little bit before they buy. By giving them a “sneak peek” you’re
4) Examples!

People want to see a little bit before they buy. By giving them a “sneak peek” you’re
profile picture for @LoftedLearning
  1. Reasons to act now

They cut out a bunch of sections by having this near the bottom.

They: • answer questions • handle objections • showcase a money back guarantee • include more social proof

You better be taking notes!

Simplicity at its finest:

5) Reasons to act now 

They cut out a bunch of sections by having this near the bottom.

• an
profile picture for @LoftedLearning
  1. About me section

People would much rather buy a product from people than a company.

Sharing an “about us” is a great way of showing you’re human and connecting with them on a deeper level.

• show some personality • shine a light on your story • prove you’re an authority

6) About me section

People would much rather buy a product from people than a company.

Sharing an
profile picture for @LoftedLearning
  1. Final CTA

It’s only $7 or $9?!

For a product this low in cost it’s okay to wait until the end to reveal the price.

They do a great job of showcasing everything you’re getting through the images and stating the benefits and features.

And the button stands out really well!

7) Final CTA

It’s only $7 or $9?!

For a product this low in cost it’s okay to wait until the end t
profile picture for @LoftedLearning

With such a low price point… This is meant to be an impulse purchase and probably converts well.

The only things I might add: • FAQ section • more social proof everywhere

Other than that it was great! A perfect page to ‘steal’ for your own product.

The full page (blurry):

With such a low price point…
This is meant to be an impulse purchase and probably converts well.

profile picture for @LoftedLearning

If you need help transferring your page from Gumroad to a custom page like this let me know.

And if you need more inspiration for your own landing page…

Check out my private swipe file:

That’s all from me today. Follow me @LoftedLearning for more.