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  1. Hey Twitter,

It's me, the biolabs guy. Aka "Clandestine".

I was banned on 2/25/22, 11 months ago, for writing the viral thread about the US funded biolabs in Ukraine (attached).

In this thread, I am going to administer the biggest "I told you so" in history.


profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. For starters, thank you to @elonmusk for doing the right thing and allowing Free Speech to return to Twitter.

Now that I'm free, we are going to go over proof that the biolabs exist, and look at some of the MSM outlets' EGREGIOUS reporting on myself and my viral story.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Nuland's testimony went viral.

Two days later, @marcorubio tried to save face by questioning DNI Avril Haines.

Rubio states "they have labs, these labs are working on dangerous things, and we are worried its going to get out of the laboratory."…

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. So now that we have established that the #USBiolabs in Ukraine are very much a reality (confirming that I was wrongly banned on Twitter for reporting on it), lets look at how the "fact-checkers" covered the biolabs in Ukraine when the story first broke.
profile picture for @WarClandestine

"Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that there are U.S. biolabs in Ukraine funded by the U.S. government. The posts misrepresent a treaty between the United States and Ukraine aimed at preventing biological threats."…

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. These are just the big names. There are 40+ more that used the same talking points/sources in their own "fact-check" about the Biolabs.

Now let's look at how the MSM reacted when I released my government name intentionally.

They took the bait hook, line and sinker. Idiots.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. The first "uncovering" was made by the "Anti-Defamation League" @ADL who then proceeded to defame the shit out of me, by government name and photo.

Once the other outlets in the Left-wing MSM got their hands on this, they all took their turns.…

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. @mmfa:

"Clandestine-who caused the the biolabs conspiracy theory to spread widely online -cheered Carlson’s points, calling them 'digestible doses for the normies, culminating into a mass realization the likes of which the world has never seen.'"…

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. @AP_Politics:

"in a thread espousing the idea that Russia’s offensive was targeting “US biolabs in Ukraine” -- and was soon amplified by the conspiracy theory website Infowars. It has spread across mainstream and lower-profile social platforms"…

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. @nprpolitics: called me "QAnon/Far Right".

"a thread posted on Feb. 24 claiming that Russian airstrike targets included "US installed biolabs" and citing Russian accusations that the U.S. has been developing "bio-weapons" at those facilities."…

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. @VICE: took the liberty of calling all my old employers and told the world my humble work history based on my LinkedIn account.

Taking their doxxing campaign to the next level.

As you can imagine, finding employment after this was impossible.…

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. I had to quit my job, move locations, ghost practically everyone I knew in the real world, and try to find a way to generate income, because according to Google, I am a "Russian asset disinformation conspiracy QAnon extremist nazi fascist".

Blessing in disguise.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. The entire Left-wing machine was weaponized against me, and I believe @elonmusk has proof the @FBI and @DHSgov put the hit on me, because it happened on all platforms at the same time. Complete social media presence wipe.

All over information that was 100% accurate.