All threads by @WarClandestine
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  1. Now that I have everyone’s attention, allow me to address why US establishment politicians are sending tanks, jets, weapons, equipment, and $100+ billion to Ukraine.

It has nothing to do with Ukrainian citizens, and everything to do with Deep State assets/secrets in Ukraine.

1) Now that I have everyone’s attention, allow me to address why US establishment politicians are se
1) Now that I have everyone’s attention, allow me to address why US establishment politicians are se
1) Now that I have everyone’s attention, allow me to address why US establishment politicians are se
1) Now that I have everyone’s attention, allow me to address why US establishment politicians are se
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  1. Let’s go back to when and where it all began.

Flashback to 2005. Then Senator Obama and Senator Lugar visited former Soviet biological and chemical facilities in Ukraine, and established the US Deep State roots in Ukraine.

To “counter bioweapons”.…

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  1. Now I’m really gonna blow your mind.

Remember the leaked phone call from Biden to Poroshenko in November 2016?

Right after Trump was elected. Biden was trying to cover his tracks in Ukraine, because he was afraid Trump was going to look into the dealings there.

From @OANN

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  1. IMPORTANT THREAD on the infamous Trump-Zelensky meeting, 9/25/19.

We all remember Zelensky looking mortified when hearing what Trump knew about in Ukraine, live, in front of the world.

Here Trump suggests that Zelensky should get together with Putin to “solve his problem”.

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  1. The “problem” Trump was referring to, was the corruption in Ukraine. The entire country is controlled by US Deep State oligarchs.

Trump makes it known in front of Zelensky, that he knows about what’s going on in Ukraine.

Which is why Zelensky is visibly uncomfortable.

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  1. Hey Twitter,

It's me, the biolabs guy. Aka "Clandestine".

I was banned on 2/25/22, 11 months ago, for writing the viral thread about the US funded biolabs in Ukraine (attached).

In this thread, I am going to administer the biggest "I told you so" in history.


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  1. For starters, thank you to @elonmusk for doing the right thing and allowing Free Speech to return to Twitter.

Now that I'm free, we are going to go over proof that the biolabs exist, and look at some of the MSM outlets' EGREGIOUS reporting on myself and my viral story.

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  1. HOLY SHIT! I think I may be onto something about #Ukraine.

Zelensky said the Russians are firing at “military installations”. How broad is that term?

I am seeing speculation that could include US installed biolabs.

At first I was like no way.

Then I started digging.

1) HOLY SHIT! I think I may be onto something about #Ukraine.

Zelensky said the Russians are firing
1) HOLY SHIT! I think I may be onto something about #Ukraine.

Zelensky said the Russians are firing
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  1. First I checked if the US even have biolabs in Ukraine. Turns out… we do. And in classic US fashion, it’s marketed as “defense”.

“Biological Threat Reduction Program in Ukraine”.

Studying the “most dangerous viruses in the world” at Russia’s border.…

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  1. Something I need to address:

If SARS-CoV-2 was created in Ukraine, what about Wuhan? Wasn’t that the origin?

Sort of.

Russia claims there were MULTIPLE pathogens, engineered in Ukraine, then trafficked to various regions worldwide for release.…

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  1. Russia claim the viruses were “genome specific”, effectivity based on host DNA sequence.

Meaning the different strains of C19 were designed to target nationalities/ethnicities with the same target DNA sequence.

More effective in homogeneous societies (Russia/China/India).

2) Russia claim the viruses were “genome specific”, effectivity based on host DNA sequence.

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  1. For those that think this technology is “conspiracy theory”, here is Democrat congressman @JasonCrowCO speaking about the existence of the biotech.

Elaborating on how @23andMe and similar companies sell your DNA to private biolab companies who use it to produce… pathogens…

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  1. We have passed into a new phase of the Covid saga.

The US government is starting to slowly admit SARS-CoV-2 was a human-engineered pathogen that leaked from a lab in China.

This is essentially the end of the road for the Covid narrative.…

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  1. This is the death knell for the Globalists. Why?

Because the broader public are now emboldened to ask more questions:

-Who made it? -Who “leaked” it? -Why did the MSM/Tech lie? -Why did the US government censor anyone who suggested this over the last 3 years?

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  1. HOLY SHIT… buckle-up.

The Biden administration via Dept. of Transportation (Pete Buttigieg), just initiated a political hit-job disguised as an investigation, on @elonmusk and you’ll never guess what they are accusing him of…

Trafficking hazardous pathogens…

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  1. @SecretaryPete initiated an investigation into his political adversary (Musk), over an email from an animal-welfare advocacy group…

Claiming that monkeys Neuralink were using for trials, “may have carried infectious diseases in violation of federal law”.

2) @SecretaryPete initiated an investigation into his political adversary (Musk), over an email from
2) @SecretaryPete initiated an investigation into his political adversary (Musk), over an email from
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  1. The exact information @RandPaul has been trying to get out of Fauci, for months.

For those that don’t understand, the same government health agencies who handle and create the world’s most dangerous pathogens, get paid by the pharmaceutical companies from vaccine sales…

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  1. Meaning, that if someone at the NIH, were to ‘leak’ a pathogen, they would receive hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars.

This is like a storm shutter salesman being able to create hurricanes…

Their business relies on tragedy. So what if they could create tragedy?

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  1. Interestingly enough, the US biological presence in Taiwan might be worse than Ukraine.

According the the NIH, there are 1,251 biolabs in Taiwan, 262 of which are private.

Including a BSL-4 lab in Taipei, which notoriously saw C19 outbreak (NIH link next slide).

1) Interestingly enough, the US biological presence in Taiwan might be worse than Ukraine.

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  1. If the Chinese MIL are true in their displeasure in the US biological presence in Ukraine, surely the US biological presence in Taiwan is a main factor in their desire to reclaim Taiwan from US Deep State proxy activity.…

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  1. Alright, it’s time to look the Manhattan DA situation from 40,000 feet.

This event is an excellent example of how the Deep State operates at the State and local level, to push their global agenda.

How does Soros’ involvement fit into the big picture?…

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  1. Anytime anyone brings up “George Soros”, the Left and their lapdog propagandists act like it’s a conspiracy theory.

But it’s no theory that Soros, a Hungarian oligarch, puts forth billions of dollars into US politics.

This man radicalized the Left.…

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  1. Since the public are on the topic of China, let’s share a video from The Ministry of National Defense from the PRC, on 3/25/22.

Americans are largely unaware that China has also been demanding for investigations into the US biological activity in Ukraine and abroad.

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  1. I don’t do school shootings or talk about shooters. I talk solutions.

If the government treated our children like they treat valuable assets, this wouldn’t be an issue.

We could secure America’s public schools nationwide with the 100+ billion we sent to the Nazis Ukraine.

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  1. Some people are sick, so we need to approach public schools similar a courthouse or an airport.

-one entry/choke point with armed security and metal detector

-all personnel must be verified upon entry

Super simple. We could do it, but for some reason, we don’t.


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  1. Every time I point out Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is backlash for Covid, many of you freak out and say “bUt iTs FrOm cHiNa!”.

Yes. A pathogen outbreak occurred in Wuhan. But that doesn’t mean SARS-CoV-2 was CREATED there. It was RELEASED there.

See thread attached. READ!

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  1. Those who pay attention to the UN grasp what’s going on.

Russia and China have been accusing the US of creating bioweapons at the UN for the last year. The US simply cry “DISINFORMATION”.

After a 3 year cover up, NOW they admit C19 came from a lab, and they blame China.

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  1. Tucker was extremely critical of China, and less so of the US, pertaining to the lab-origins of SARS-CoV-2.

Yes an outbreak occurred at Wuhan, but the evidence suggests it was not China who engineered the pathogen.

The facts suggests it was created by factions within the US.

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  1. If SARS-CoV-2 was made with intent by Chinese Military, that would mean that China unleashed a bioweapon on the world, we are in the middle of WW3, our government is doing absolutely nothing about it, and failed in every way to stop the spread of the Chinese bioweapon.
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  1. HOLY SHIT… just shared by General Flynn.

Yes the story is horrific, but the location jumped out to me immediately.

Horseheads, NY is right on the edge of the Finger Lakes. Notorious for missing people and children.

Who else do we know who likes the Finger Lakes?

1) HOLY SHIT… just shared by General Flynn. 

Yes the story is horrific, but the location jumped out
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  1. Today, I’m going to reveal how I circumvented Twitter bans, created a human engagement army, and used the Left-wing backlash as a launch-pad for exposure.

My discoveries align with the revelations made in the Twitter Files pertaining political censorship.

Let’s begin.

1) Today, I’m going to reveal how I circumvented Twitter bans, created a human engagement army, and
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  1. After I was banned for the biolabs story on 2/24/22, obviously, I created new accounts immediately.

I’ve had accounts permanently suspended 40+ times now. I made evading bans a science.

Desktop, VPN, new generic email, no phone number, different jpeg for avi/banner.


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  1. President Xi calls for peace via a “political settlement” to end the conflict in Ukraine before it escalates further.

Macron asks Xi to “bring Russia to its senses”, but Xi recognizes this conflict was not started by Russia, but by Western actors in control of Ukraine.

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  1. President Xi and China have taken over the role of global leader from the United States while Biden and his admin continue to fund a war they started via proxy (State Dept/CIA 2014).

Xi said, “The world today is undergoing profound historical changes”.

He’s not wrong.

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  1. Regardless of your politics, every human on Earth needs to be on notice.

Putin and Xi aim to defeat the “Unipolar world”. Which is another term for “Globalism” or “Deep State”.

Americans on both sides are freaking out, but can we say for certain this is a bad thing?

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Bragg claims he is aware of other mystery crime(s) Trump committed, in order to elevate these bookkeeping misdemeanors, but Trump has not been convicted of any other crimes.

Wouldn’t Bragg have to prove the prerequisite crime first?

Let’s break this down.

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  1. Firstly, it’s absolutely insane that Trump just got slapped with process charges for a mystery prerequisite crime that Trump hasn’t been informed of.

If the initial crime isn’t legitimate, these 34 charges are misdemeanors. How is the initial crime not given to the defense?

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  1. Just more proof that there was a concerted effort by Fauci, Collins, and other compromised actors affiliated with the @NIH , to deter the public from knowing the human-engineered origins of SARS-CoV-2.

US Deep State actors are the ones who spearheaded the Covid coverup.

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  1. So when entities like the @FBI come out of nowhere and start pushing “CHINA CHINA CHINA!”, it should be cause for hesitation.

The CCP may be involved, but the US government incontrovertibly played a role in the construction of SARS-CoV-2, AND they facilitated the coverup.

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  1. SARS-CoV-2 is a pathogen that was created in a lab, was engineered by humans, and killed millions of people worldwide.

Does that make SARS-CoV-2 a “bioweapon”?

According to the WHO and UN, it’s not a “bioweapon” unless it is released “deliberately”.…

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  1. It’s time to put blind US superiority aside.

How much of what you know about Russia and China is true?

Your entire perception of Russia and China is based off of what the US govt told you.

The same US govt that circulates more disinformation than all the world combined.

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  1. If you all remember the NIH emails made available via FOIA, you’d recall Dutch Virologist, Ron Fouchier, said that lab-origin was a possibility, but said we shouldn’t talk about it because it would “do unnecessary harm to science”.…

1) If you all remember the NIH emails made available via FOIA, you’d recall Dutch Virologist, Ron Fo
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  1. The more I see @RobertKennedyJr gaining popularity amongst the Left, Center, and Right, I keep thinking about this clip from @BretWeinstein on the Joe Rogan Experience, in June 2020. Episode #1494.

Dr. Weinstein talks about his plan to save the republic.

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  1. Dr. Weinstein proposes a ticket with a Center-Left and Center-Right candidate.

Idk about the POTUS/VP swap idea, but the idea of getting two Centrists on either side of the aisle, on the same ticket, sounds like a winning formula and a positive result for The People.

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  1. It’s all I can think about when I see RFK Jr.

Sure I would love for him to beat Biden for the DNC nomination, but do you all remember Bernie in 2016? The Party decides on the DNC candidate, not the voters.

There’s just no way. They won’t let him win.…

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  1. Excellent point.

If China were responsible, wouldn’t Putin be directing his hostilities at China? Why at the US?

If China made SARS-CoV-2, and Putin is allied with Xi, that would mean Russia are also in on it because Putin is ignoring China’s role in the 400k dead Russians.

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  1. So if Russia and China are in on it, but Fauci and the NIH are the ones who funded it and covered it up; would that mean that Russia, China, AND the US are in on it?

If China, Russia, and the US are in on it, why the hostilities between the nations? Why the war?

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  1. I feel the need to clarify something:

Every day, a number of people will bark at me that “It’s not just the Democrats/Libs, it’s the Uniparty! Republicans are bad too!”.

Yes, I am aware of this, but we cannot deny that the evil in America came in the form of “Liberalism”.

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Watch John Kirby play stupid and avoid answering about the cost-benefit analysis of Gain of Function research.

He claims that he doesn’t understand the question because “he has a history degree”.

But eventually, he said “yes” the benefits outweigh the risks.

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  1. Y’all wanna see where your tax dollars go?

This is “Artem Bonov”.

A notorious Azov Battalion leader.

This RPG-wielding skinhead with swastika bling and Nazi tattoos, is part of the “far-Right Ultranationalist” militia that “integrated” with Ukrainian armed forces in 2014.

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Twitter Files Journalists haven’t yet seen Twitter’s internal censorship of SARS-CoV-2 lab origins??? per @ShellenbergerMD

Why haven’t they covered this yet?

Legal obstacles? Methodical progression down the rabbit hole? Ongoing investigations?

Why the delay?

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  1. Elon and his legal team have seen the censorship pertaining to the lab origins. Legal obstacles are likely the main reason the public haven’t seen it yet, but there is tactical value as well.

Logically, it makes sense to start with digestible realities, then work your way up.

2) Elon and his legal team have seen the censorship pertaining to the lab origins. Legal obstacles a
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  1. Now that you all have seen how @AGHuff is unjustly smearing me for my reporting on the connections between SARS-CoV-2 and Ukraine; let me show you the connections via documentation that Huff arrogantly claim doesn’t exist.

See Labyrinth Global Health.

1) Now that you all have seen how @AGHuff is unjustly smearing me for my reporting on the connection
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  1. Labyrinth Global Health:

Massive biotech company that partnered with Huff’s company EcoHealth Alliance, as well as Hunter Biden’s Metabiota.

Labyrinth were issued a US DoD contract for research on “Covid-19” in UKRAINE, before C19 pandemic began.…

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  1. The US government posted it on their own US spending website.

Where we ended up seeing US funds be awarded to a variety of Ukrainian biolabs (that they said didn’t exist), and also exposed an award to fund C19 in UKRAINE before it leaked.

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  1. I’ve been quietly observing the ongoing psychological operations.

The media hysteria ultimately resulted in the masses accepting and supporting the idea of arresting former Presidents and political opponents.

The sheep have been normalized to accept high-profile arrests.

1) I’ve been quietly observing the ongoing psychological operations. 

The media hysteria ultimately
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  1. Alright y’all, I didn’t want to have to do it, but @AGHuff continues to poke the bear.

Huff started attacking me recently for my reporting pertaining to the US Biolabs in Ukraine.

He is adamant that there is no connection between Ukraine and SARS-CoV-2.

Let’s look at WHY.

1) Alright y’all, I didn’t want to have to do it, but @AGHuff continues to poke the bear.

Huff star
1) Alright y’all, I didn’t want to have to do it, but @AGHuff continues to poke the bear.

Huff star
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  1. Well of course, it’s about money.

Dr. Andrew Huff is a former EcoHealth Alliance Vice President, and now makes his money off selling his book, which is about Wuhan.

And he didn’t like that I was getting all the attention. So he decided to attack me.

2) Well of course, it’s about money.

Dr. Andrew Huff is a former EcoHealth Alliance Vice President,
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  1. Let’s look at this situation from the enemy perspective.

What are they looking to accomplish here?

Is this going to prevent Trump from running in 2024? It doesn’t appear so.

So what’s their ultimate goal? Because Trump is winning the court of public opinion, handily.

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  1. Friendly reminder, this is EXACTLY what the Russian MIL accused the Western Oligarchs of doing in Ukraine.

Allocating US funds from State Dept, DOD, USAID, and a wide array of other US Executive agencies and entities, to conduct pathogen-producing biological research.

1) Friendly reminder, this is EXACTLY what the Russian MIL accused the Western Oligarchs of doing in
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  1. Dr. Mike Farzan, Discoverer of SARS receptor, Harvard Medical, Immunology and Microbiology at University of Florida.

His initial assessment of C-19: -furin site is unnatural and likely man made -furin site manipulation enabled human adaption and transmission

2) Dr. Mike Farzan, Discoverer of SARS receptor, Harvard Medical, Immunology and Microbiology at Uni
2) Dr. Mike Farzan, Discoverer of SARS receptor, Harvard Medical, Immunology and Microbiology at Uni
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  1. What evidence do we have that China played a role in the creation of SARS-CoV-2?

Because an outbreak occurred in Wuhan?

Why is the assumption now that this was an unintentional leak by China, as opposed to a biological attack on Chinese soil?

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  1. Also, the geopolitical math doesn’t add up.

Russia and China have formed a close diplomatic and militaristic alliance. Russia and China have both accused “Western Oligarchs” of creating SARS-CoV-2.

Why would Russia buddy up to China, if China created SARS-CoV-2?

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  1. The testimony from Radcliffe talking about the “overwhelming” body of evidence supporting the lab-leak origins is going viral.

Obviously I agree with him, but the widely shared video cuts off before @JohnRatcliffe starts blaming the CCP.

Here’s the full statement.

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  1. I agree with @DC_Draino that we should start publicly recognizing that this was intentional.

But this continued rhetoric about the Chinese government being the main ideologues, is based solely on US bias towards China, and the fact that the initial outbreak was in Wuhan.

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  1. Even if China created SARS-CoV-2, that doesn’t somehow make all this acceptable.

In fact, its worse. We at least understand WHY the US would keep it a secret if they were involved. Incompetence scares me more than intent.

If China did it, the US gov response is inexplicable.

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  1. Intriguing statement from @marcorubio on Macron’s visit to China.

Rubio is TERRIFIED of Macron talking the rest of Europe into staying neutral over Ukraine and Taiwan.

Rubio also claims we are helping Europe by funding a war in Ukraine, that the US CIA/State Dept started…

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  1. @marcorubio arrogantly claims France cannot be the leader of Europe, but thinks the US should be. Stating if Macron takes over as leader “we are going to have to make some changes”.

But why is Rubio so concerned about all this?

Because Rubio has something to hide.

2) @marcorubio arrogantly claims France cannot be the leader of Europe, but thinks the US should be.
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  1. @AGHuff on @RedPill78, just said that he changed his opinion on “intentional vs accidental” and says he’s no longer believing it was intentional, because China would have had vaccines ready and their economy was harmed.

You dolt, you are ASSUMING China is responsible…

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  1. Couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Portnoy woke up more people with his tweet than Trump did with all his posts on Truth social combined.

Why? Trump followers already know he is being politically persecuted.

Waking normies is about targeting the people who are NOT awake.

1) Couldn’t be farther from the truth. 

Portnoy woke up more people with his tweet than Trump did w
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  1. China are not trying to “interfere” in the investigation into the origins of C19… China oppose that the committee already decided that China are “complicit”.

It’s not an “investigation” when you’ve already decided who’s at fault.

US actors created SARS-CoV-2. Not China.

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  1. CDC Director now claims, that even though those who got the “vaccines” still got covid, that they wouldn’t pass it to other people.

That’s… not how viral transmission or vaccines work… at all…

If you transmit a virus, you are now a carrier, and can transmit it to others.

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  1. The Western MSM got their talking points. “We need transparency from China”.

So we have been under biological attack from China for 3 years, and the US government response was to frantically censor those who were telling the truth, and send all your money to Ukraine?

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  1. So China released a biological weapon, and the first thing US government health agencies do is unscientifically conclude it was a natural spillover event, to “protect science in China”, despite the furin cleavage site and the clear indications of human-engineering?


2) So China released a biological weapon, and the first thing US government health agencies do is un
2) So China released a biological weapon, and the first thing US government health agencies do is un
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  1. @elonmusk I’m going to push back on this one. Plenty can go wrong.

Bot armies and troll armies attack those who threaten the establishment. They use a variety of tactics to sow discord and associate violence and unrelated theories with accurate reporting.


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  1. I agree we shouldn’t block people based on differing opinions, but the block function is necessary to curate your comment section and defend yourself from bots and trolls using your social cap as a means to push their agenda and distort your message.

Allow me to explain.

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  1. For example, I publish a well-sourced and accurate thread on US Biolabs in Ukraine.

But the comments are filled with people talking about clones, viruses not actually existing, flat earth, etc.

This isn’t an accident. It’s an attempt to associate my story, with “conspiracy”.

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  1. Joe Rogan and Jim Breuer talking about the accusations of US biological weapons production in Ukraine and the censorship about the story!

@joerogan whenever you want to do a deep dive on this subject with the guy who wrote the infamous viral story, shoot me a DM.

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  1. Not only is Fauci lying about the “molecular impossibility” of SARS-CoV-2 coming from a lab, the exact inverse is true.

Mathematically, the chances of a natural mutation of the exact 4 amino acids and 12 nucleotides in the proper sequence, would be 1 in hundreds of trillions.

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  1. Unsurprisingly, I received a lot of push back for pointing out China’s 12 point peace plan and President Xi’s public advocacy for peace in Ukraine.

So now we are going to address yet another uncomfortable truth.

How much do the American People actually know about China?

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  1. Have you ever read a single piece of Chinese media?

Have you ever seen a Chinese news broadcast?

Have you ever heard President Xi speak?

Virtually ZERO Americans have. Our understanding of China is based solely on what our government and media have told us.

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  1. In the same breath, @KJP46 claims that our safety is their primary concern, and then deflects about the 1.1 MILLION Americans who already died from a human-engineered pathogen.

It’s been 3 years, and you don’t have “the data”?

Wtf have y’all been doing? Millions are dead.

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  1. Jan 28, 2020:

Chair of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard, Dr. Charles Lieber: indicted for Conspiracy with Chinese MIL spies that infiltrated Harvard and Boston U.

They got caught trying to smuggle 21 vials of biological material to China.…

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  1. The Biden admin, Zelensky, and MSM, continue to show fear about the possibility of Xi and Putin teaming up.

Which doesn’t make any sense, because Putin and Xi have been publicly and formally aligned on Ukraine since the beginning.

This alliance is already well-established.

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  1. Given tweets have limited characters, I use terms like:

-Leftist -Liberal -Sheep -Normie -Democrat

When what I usually mean is:

-brainwashed MSM consumer who votes Democrat and parrots the Left-wing agenda

For matter of brevity, I’m not typing that out every time.

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  1. The DNC/The Left have gone so far off the grid, that Classical Liberal ideologies are considered blasphemous now.

-Free Market -Civil Liberties -Rule of Law -Individual Autonomy -Limited Government -Freedom of Speech

Sounds EXACTLY like the current “Right-wing” movement…

2) The DNC/The Left have gone so far off the grid, that Classical Liberal ideologies are considered
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  1. This iconic scene from Matilda is an excellent representation of the phenomena we are witnessing destroy the Left.

The Left is being overloaded with Far-Left policies and ideologies. Something they thought they liked in small doses, turned out to be bad in large quantities.

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  1. Let’s analyze the situation strictly from a behavioral standpoint.

C19 outbreak begins, the US were already pre-producing the medical countermeasures, then the US immediately began establishing that it was a natural spillover event.

“Rule #1 of biowarfare” according to Huff.

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