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  1. Let’s analyze the situation strictly from a behavioral standpoint.

C19 outbreak begins, the US were already pre-producing the medical countermeasures, then the US immediately began establishing that it was a natural spillover event.

“Rule #1 of biowarfare” according to Huff.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. China and Russia did NOT have the medical countermeasures in production and they did NOT profit off of the virus.

They analyzed the evidence and alleged the US were responsible. To which the US claimed was disinformation, and asserted the virus was naturally occurring.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Now that the evidence of human-engineered origins is too much to cover-up, the US have changed course and NOW want to start blaming China.

Meanwhile, China and Russia have been pointing their finger at the US the entire time.

Behaviorally, the evidence points to the US.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Say for example, you walk onto a murder scene. There’s a bloody dead body, and 3 people standing around the body.

One guy is holding a knife covered in blood. The other two are pointing at the guy with the knife.

Then the guy with the knife says “he died of natural causes”.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. The other two say “here’s the video evidence and paper trial proving the guy with knife did it”.

Then the guy with the knife says “okay maybe he didn’t die of natural causes, but that guy did it!”, and points at the Chinese guy.

That’s how absurd the US blame-game is.