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  1. Now that I have everyone’s attention, allow me to address why US establishment politicians are sending tanks, jets, weapons, equipment, and $100+ billion to Ukraine.

It has nothing to do with Ukrainian citizens, and everything to do with Deep State assets/secrets in Ukraine.

1) Now that I have everyone’s attention, allow me to address why US establishment politicians are se
1) Now that I have everyone’s attention, allow me to address why US establishment politicians are se
1) Now that I have everyone’s attention, allow me to address why US establishment politicians are se
1) Now that I have everyone’s attention, allow me to address why US establishment politicians are se
profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Let’s go back to when and where it all began.

Flashback to 2005. Then Senator Obama and Senator Lugar visited former Soviet biological and chemical facilities in Ukraine, and established the US Deep State roots in Ukraine.

To “counter bioweapons”.…

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. When speaking of the labs in 2005, here is how they were described by WaPo.

The labs were “part of a Cold War network of ‘antiplague’ stations that supplied highly lethal pathogens to Soviet bioweapons factories”.

So when Russia does “anti-plague” research its “bioweapons”.

3) When speaking of the labs in 2005, here is how they were described by WaPo.

The labs were “part
3) When speaking of the labs in 2005, here is how they were described by WaPo.

The labs were “part
profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. But when the US does “defensive gain of function/directed evolution” research, it’s not bioweapons.

In 2005 @washingtonpost admits that “anti-plague” research results in the production of “highly lethal pathogens” aka “bioweapons”.

Seems their tune changed in 2022.

4) But when the US does “defensive gain of function/directed evolution” research, it’s not bioweapon
4) But when the US does “defensive gain of function/directed evolution” research, it’s not bioweapon
profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. The US, led by Obama, passed the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Act of 2005.

The US took over former Soviet labs and facilities, supposedly to destroy stockpiles of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons in Ukraine.…

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Obama opened the floodgates for the Deep State. Created biological weapons programs with the Ukrainian government, and established connections for US oligarchs to build biolab companies in the lawless land of Ukraine.

Companies like Biden’s Metabiota.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Then the situation turned sour.

Under US “supervision”, Ukraine fell into civil war in February 2014 (Obama).

In the disarray of war, State Dept (Clinton) and the CIA, took full control of Ukraine’s government.

Nuland facilitated a regime change.…

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Nuland, who spilled the beans on the fear of “Russian forces getting their hands on the biological research in Ukraine”, engineered the Color Revolution in Ukraine.

They started a civil war, then picked their puppet to run the government, creating a Deep State proxy.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Now with complete control of the Ukrainian government, then the Bidens began their dirty work.

Biden visited Ukraine 13+ times, securing US funding for Ukrainian oligarchs. Then used his power to fire a State prosecutor who figured out Biden’s kick-back/laundering scheme.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. So the reason why all of our tax dollars are in Ukraine, is because Ukraine is a Deep State proxy, controlled by the ruling families of the DNC/Soros.

They are trying to protect their assets/secrets in Ukraine.

Most consequential of which is their biological activity.

10) So the reason why all of our tax dollars are in Ukraine, is because Ukraine is a Deep State prox
10) So the reason why all of our tax dollars are in Ukraine, is because Ukraine is a Deep State prox
profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. The reason the US MSM went all out pro-Ukraine, is because the media is owned by the Pharma companies via advertisement money.

The Pharma companies who rely on the biolabs in Ukraine to create pathogens so their vaccine scheme can profit…

Starting to make sense?

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. The reason the @FBI and @DHSgov went full Orwell and weaponized Big Tech to censor all reporting on the Biolabs in Ukraine, is because intel community is compromised by the Deep State.

The Deep State who can’t let people find out about their pathogen production scheme…

12) The reason the @FBI and @DHSgov went full Orwell and weaponized Big Tech to censor all reporting
12) The reason the @FBI and @DHSgov went full Orwell and weaponized Big Tech to censor all reporting
12) The reason the @FBI and @DHSgov went full Orwell and weaponized Big Tech to censor all reporting
12) The reason the @FBI and @DHSgov went full Orwell and weaponized Big Tech to censor all reporting
profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. The reason the House Dems @DNC went insane and impeached Trump over making a single phone call to Zelensky in Ukraine… is because they couldn’t allow Trump to snoop around and investigate their Deep State proxy.

Trump was on to whatever they were hiding. Aka bioweapons.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. The reason Zelensky ordered the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense to destroy all State documents affiliated with US biolab companies “Metabiota and Battelle”… the day that missiles started flying (2/24/22)…

Is because he knew Putin was looking for the bioweapons.

14) The reason Zelensky ordered the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense to destroy all State documents aff
14) The reason Zelensky ordered the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense to destroy all State documents aff
14) The reason Zelensky ordered the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense to destroy all State documents aff
14) The reason Zelensky ordered the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense to destroy all State documents aff
profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. The reason the @WHO advised Ukraine to destroy all their pathogens (at the labs that the MSM said didn’t exist)… is because the WHO knew Putin was looking for the bioweapons.

The same @WHO that created a global medical police-state due to C19.…

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Big Pharma, MSM, Big Tech, the Intelligence Community, Zelensky, WHO/NIH, and Deep State politicians; are all working together to accomplish the same goal…

To cover up the criminal biological weapons production in Ukraine.

All the entities who happened to benefit from C19.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. This is why these entities are hyper-defensive about all things related to C19, biological research, and Ukraine.

It’s not because they are being philanthropic.

It’s because we are close to the proof of their crimes against humanity. For which, the punishment is harsh.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Tanks, jets, weapons, equipment, $100+ billion in taxpayer funds, the lives of the Ukrainian people…

All worthy sacrifices in the eyes of the Deep State. Whatever it takes to cover up their bioweapons production.

WW3 already started. C19 was the first weapon fired.