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  1. Those who pay attention to the UN grasp what’s going on.

Russia and China have been accusing the US of creating bioweapons at the UN for the last year. The US simply cry “DISINFORMATION”.

After a 3 year cover up, NOW they admit C19 came from a lab, and they blame China.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. From a pure logic standpoint; why the hell should ANYONE trust the US government or media after the last 3 years?

How many repeated instances of dishonesty and deceit do we have to witness before we stop listening to them?

What credibility does the US/West stand on?

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. I’m not saying Russia and China are saints, but they have been a hell of a lot more right about Covid than the US.

And while Russia and China have been advocating for investigations of US global biological capabilities and activity, the US have been throwing a temper tantrum.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. The US only account for roughly 4% of the global population, yet accounted for roughly 15% of the covid deaths (reportedly).

The US created vaccines failed to prevent transmission and were harmful.

The entire purpose of the US biological network failed DISASTROUSLY…

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. What I’m getting at is, that on the global stage, the United States have lost ALL credibility.

Russia and China are at least offering for diplomacy if the US pathogen engineering is addressed.

But the West have repeatedly declined and continue to push for more money and war.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Say what you want about the 3 world powers; Russia and China appear to be more transparent, and the US appear to be initiating a DARVO response.

Deny, Attack, Reverse.

Synonymous with sociopaths and those caught in wrongdoing…

This is all the Deep State have left.


6) Say what you want about the 3 world powers; Russia and China appear to be more transparent, and t