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  1. The Western MSM got their talking points. “We need transparency from China”.

So we have been under biological attack from China for 3 years, and the US government response was to frantically censor those who were telling the truth, and send all your money to Ukraine?

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. So China released a biological weapon, and the first thing US government health agencies do is unscientifically conclude it was a natural spillover event, to “protect science in China”, despite the furin cleavage site and the clear indications of human-engineering?


2) So China released a biological weapon, and the first thing US government health agencies do is un
2) So China released a biological weapon, and the first thing US government health agencies do is un
profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. So even if China are responsible, the leading cadre of the US Health agencies are colossal failures and their unscientific behavior of omitting facts resulted in millions of deaths worldwide.

No matter how you slice it, the US government failed, and there must be a reckoning.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. How does the US government justify their actions over the last 3 years?

The Biden admin claims they “are taking the covid origin very seriously”, but while we have been under biological attack, the Left have only been focused on LGBTQ+ rights, hating Trump, and Ukraine.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. If we were actually under biological attack from China, why would we be funding a proxy war in Ukraine against Russia?

Why is Ukraine our proxy in the first place?

Why wouldn’t we focus on the military killing millions of people worldwide?

Why do we care about Ukraine?

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Ukraine that is home to a massive offshore US biological network, where China and Russia claim the US created SARS-CoV-2.

Notice how the US IMMEDIATELY began covering up all their biological activity, and never once suggested that it was a bioweapon.…

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. First night of air-strikes, 2/24/22, Zelensky ordered the destruction of all Ukraine State docs, proving affiliation with Hunter Biden’s Biolab company METABIOTA.

If China are responsible, why is it that the US/Ukraine are the ones covering up their biological activity?

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. If China are responsible, why is Victoria Nuland concerned about Russia finding US “defensive biological research” in Ukraine?

Biological research at labs that the Left and MSM suspiciously said didn’t exist.

If it’s just “defensive” research, why is Nuland so nervous?

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. If China are responsible, why are the US stonewalling UN investigations into US biological activity and the origin of SARS-CoV-2?

Based on posture and behavior alone, the US are responsible.

The paper trail confirms it.

It wasn’t China. It was Western Oligarchs.


9) If China are responsible, why are the US stonewalling UN investigations into US biological activi