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Watch John Kirby play stupid and avoid answering about the cost-benefit analysis of Gain of Function research.

He claims that he doesn’t understand the question because “he has a history degree”.

But eventually, he said “yes” the benefits outweigh the risks.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Kirby just bold-faced LIED to the American People.

He said that this “research” is necessary to “prevent pandemics”.

My brother in Christ, Gain of Function research CREATED the pandemic… the research, SARS-CoV-2, IS the pandemic!

And the vaccines, they DIDNT FUCKING WORK…

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  1. The entire justification for Gain of Function/Directed Evolution research, is the idea that we must preemptively create cures (vaccines) for these viruses if they were to mutate naturally.

But the “vaccines” they created didn’t prevent transmission, didn’t stop the pandemic.

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  1. So not only do their “vaccines” not work, the deadly, highly transmissible, human-engineered pathogens that they created in order to make these vaccines, got out and killed MILLIONS of people.

So, no, John Kirby, the benefits unequivocally, do NOT outweigh the risks…

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. And then… Kirby has the AUDACITY to say:

-“must be done in a safe and secure manner, and as transparent as possible to the rest of the world”.

Russia has been demanding the US be investigated for a year, and Kirby called their demands for transparency “a bunch of malarkey”.

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  1. No matter how you slice it, Gain of Function research not only failed it’s ultimate goal of preventing pandemics; Gain of Function CREATES pandemics.

Millions of people died, and those responsible are going to pay for it.

Kirby, you’re high on the list.