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  1. Just more proof that there was a concerted effort by Fauci, Collins, and other compromised actors affiliated with the @NIH , to deter the public from knowing the human-engineered origins of SARS-CoV-2.

US Deep State actors are the ones who spearheaded the Covid coverup.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. So when entities like the @FBI come out of nowhere and start pushing “CHINA CHINA CHINA!”, it should be cause for hesitation.

The CCP may be involved, but the US government incontrovertibly played a role in the construction of SARS-CoV-2, AND they facilitated the coverup.

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  1. Self-proclaimed “expert” on everything related to covid, @AGHuff , outlines the basics of bio-warfare, and recognizes that the Chinese government are not behaving like they would if they released a bioweapon intentionally.

-No medical counter-measure -Destroyed their GDP

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  1. Recognize how @AGHuff concludes that since China didn’t “create the agent and the counter-measure”, that it was all an accident.

The problem with Huff’s analysis: he is ASSUMING China must have made the agent. Why?

Well who did make the counter-measures? Who made the money…

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  1. The US Oligarchs and their Big Pharma overlords created the supposed medical counter-measures. They were working on the “vaccines” before virus officially existed. THEY are the ones who made HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS.

So by @AGHuff ‘s logic, the US are DEFINITELY responsible.

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  1. So why does Huff’s analysis stop at China? Who concluded China was solely responsible?

US Deep State players have their fingerprints all over; the creation of the virus, the coverup, the medical counter-measures, and were the main monetary beneficiaries.

It’s obvious, no?

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  1. The answer is staring @AGHuff right in the face, based on his own analysis.

But he, along with the FBI and the MSM, are adamant to push the narrative that China are solely responsible, obfuscating the role of US Deep State players.

Huff is attempting a “Limited Hangout”.

7) The answer is staring @AGHuff right in the face, based on his own analysis. 

But he, along with
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  1. “When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting-sometimes even volunteering- (THINK WRAY) some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case”.
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  1. A “Limited Hangout” is EXACTLY what the Deep State deployed.

They are conceding it came from a lab because they can’t maintain the lie, but they desperately want the search to stop at Wuhan.

They will blame China and obfuscate US Deep State involvement.

It’s a TRAP!