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  1. Jan 28, 2020:

Chair of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard, Dr. Charles Lieber: indicted for Conspiracy with Chinese MIL spies that infiltrated Harvard and Boston U.

They got caught trying to smuggle 21 vials of biological material to China.…

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. One of the Chinese MIL conspirators, Yanqing Ye, infiltrated Harvard and Boston University Biomedical, and was sending intel back to China.

The same Boston University that was quite literally, conducting gain of function research on coronaviruses.…

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Biomedical espionage is taking place between the US and China.

Labs within the US and within the US NIH global laboratory network, were/are conducting gain of function research on coronaviruses…

Biological warfare is happening. The only question is, who’s responsible?

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. To me, it looks like Chinese operatives found evidence the US were creating biological weapons, and attempted smuggle the research back to China.

What they intended to do with the biological material could be nefarious, purely defensive, in between; we don’t know for certain.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Who knows. Maybe Dr. Lieber and the Chinese spies were like James Bond, trying to extract evidence to prevent a global biological weapons attack.

But no matter how you slice it, the US were creating deadly pathogens, and both China and Russia are not happy about it.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. For those who suggest this means the CCP were making bioweapons:

Maybe. But if they were stealing bioweapons research from the US… that means the US were… also making bioweapons.

See my point?

No matter what angle you look at this situation, the US are implicated.