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  1. I don’t do school shootings or talk about shooters. I talk solutions.

If the government treated our children like they treat valuable assets, this wouldn’t be an issue.

We could secure America’s public schools nationwide with the 100+ billion we sent to the Nazis Ukraine.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Some people are sick, so we need to approach public schools similar a courthouse or an airport.

-one entry/choke point with armed security and metal detector

-all personnel must be verified upon entry

Super simple. We could do it, but for some reason, we don’t.


profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. The Left commonly go with the talking point “We don’t want armed security! We don’t want to turn our schools into a war-zone!”.

Do you feel like you’re in a war-zone at a casino or a football game?

They all have significant security, why can’t we do the same with schools?

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. And before anyone says “we don’t have the money”, oh yes the fuck we do.

This all stems back to corrupt politicians lining their pockets with our tax dollars instead of the funding actually going towards anything productive.

We have the money. Corruption is the problem.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Theres approximately 90,000 public schools nationwide. Let’s give each school an average of 5 full-time security guards, at an average of 50k a year.

That’s 22.5 billion per year in salary. Plus training and all the other bullshit, let’s call it 25 billion to be safe.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Not only would we be protecting our children, but we would create 450,000+ jobs overnight.

There’s 16.5 million Americans veterans out there, and I’m sure AT LEAST 450,000 would love 50k a year and reasonable hours, while also keeping America’s kids safe.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. We have to establish a new culture and approach to public schools, centered around security.

All public schools will need to pass a new set of security standards, and security-oriented building designs will gradually replace our rudimentary public schools.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. It has nothing to do with guns. Whether it’s a gun, a knife, a bomb, a sexual predator, anything… it doesn’t matter, we have to take our children’s security more seriously.

This proposal improves infrastructure, creates jobs, saves lives, and preserves our freedoms.