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  1. I feel the need to clarify something:

Every day, a number of people will bark at me that “It’s not just the Democrats/Libs, it’s the Uniparty! Republicans are bad too!”.

Yes, I am aware of this, but we cannot deny that the evil in America came in the form of “Liberalism”.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Yes, I am WELL aware of Deep State RINOs like Bush Sr., Bush Jr., McCain, Graham, Rubio, Romney, Ryan, McConnell, etc.

But from an ideological perspective, the Left-wing brought about the degeneration of Western society and the complete distortion of reality itself.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. -Govt control of private media, tech, entertainment, etc.

-Mass propaganda

-Human-engineered pathogens and forced medical procedures

-Promoting pedophilia, transgenderism, Satanism, etc.

-Weaponization of law enforcement to attack political opponents and Free Speech

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. All the characteristics of an Orwellian dystopia came under the guise of “Liberalism”.

The Right isn’t perfect and the GOP sucks, but we have to recognize WHERE this attack on American values came from.

The Left was hijacked and used as a vector to bring Fascism to America.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. So while both DNC and GOP politicians may be corrupt, the Left-wing IDEOLOGY gave birth to this woke insanity and the degeneration of our once great American values.

Let’s not pretend both sides are equal. One is significantly worse than the other.