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  1. Here he is at the supermarket.

Just casually strolling through the produce section, in his Ukrainian military uniform with SS symbols, lab coat, and swastika tattoos on his face.

The Ukrainians don’t seem that alarmed by the Nazi in the supermarket. Like they are used to it.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Y’all wanna see where your tax dollars go?

This is “Artem Bonov”.

A notorious Azov Battalion leader.

This RPG-wielding skinhead with swastika bling and Nazi tattoos, is part of the “far-Right Ultranationalist” militia that “integrated” with Ukrainian armed forces in 2014.

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. March, 2022:

There was controversy in Ukraine over a picture of Bonov and some other Neo-Nazis, performing a Nazi salute inside the Kyiv police station.

Reports arose that Bonov was “Deputy Chief” of the Kyiv police.

3) March, 2022: 

There was controversy in Ukraine over a picture of Bonov and some other Neo-Nazis,
profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. Ukrainian media “fact-checked” that there was no record of Bonov being on the Kyiv Police force.

But they did admit he was part of the Azov Neo-Nazi militia and part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces…

As if Nazis in the military wasn’t a bad thing……