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  1. Intriguing statement from @marcorubio on Macron’s visit to China.

Rubio is TERRIFIED of Macron talking the rest of Europe into staying neutral over Ukraine and Taiwan.

Rubio also claims we are helping Europe by funding a war in Ukraine, that the US CIA/State Dept started…

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  1. @marcorubio arrogantly claims France cannot be the leader of Europe, but thinks the US should be. Stating if Macron takes over as leader “we are going to have to make some changes”.

But why is Rubio so concerned about all this?

Because Rubio has something to hide.

2) @marcorubio arrogantly claims France cannot be the leader of Europe, but thinks the US should be.
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  1. March 9th, 2022, a couple weeks after my thread on the US Biolabs in Ukraine went viral, Rubio tried to do a little damage control, but only ended up making it worse.

Everyone remembers the infamous testimony by Nuland confirming the biolabs, but @marcorubio gets forgotten.

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  1. After Nuland spilled the beans and confirmed that the media lied about the existence of these biolabs, two days later, 3/10/22, @marcorubio was forced to do MORE damage control through CIA director William Burns.

Admitting the fact-checkers and media lied to cover this up.

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  1. Same hearing, 3/10/22, @marcorubio uses DNI Avril Haines as a means to gaslight the American public, and clean up Nuland’s mess that caught everyone’s attention.

Rubio was adamant to establish the narrative the US biolabs in Ukraine are definitely NOT making bioweapons.


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  1. Why was Rubio trying to run damage control and who gave him the task?

He was very close with Globalist rats, McCain and Graham.

Given Graham and McCain’s involvement in Ukraine, it’s suspect that their pal @marcorubio is covering up Deep State crimes in Ukraine.

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  1. 3/9/22 @TuckerCarlson ran a segment on the US Biolabs in Ukraine story, the day after Rubio questioned Nuland.

Tucker invited @marcorubio on the show to talk biolabs, and he declined.

If Rubio wanted to be transparent, why would he pass up the opportunity?

profile picture for @WarClandestine
  1. When you look at Rubio’s rhetoric about funding and defending the war in Ukraine, combined with his efforts to cover up US biological activity in Ukraine; it’s clear he is covering something up and compromised by the Deep State.

@marcorubio what are you hiding?


8) When you look at Rubio’s rhetoric about funding and defending the war in Ukraine, combined with h