profile picture for @LadyJustice4512

I've spent weeks researching how/why my gender is hurting themselves & society.

This is a thread about what women are doing, not men, so zip it w/ the White Knighting. If you're a woman who feels triggered, you're who I'm talking about.

Follow me down the Rabbit Hole (1) 🧵

I've spent weeks researching how/why my gender is hurting themselves & society.

This is a threa
profile picture for @LadyJustice4512

We must begin at the beginning of how we all got to this Hellscape. In 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson declared a War on Poverty & introduced Great Society domestic programs, but as you can see by the charts all it did was incentivize working less & single mother households. (2)

We must begin at the beginning of how we all got to this Hellscape. In 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson declar
We must begin at the beginning of how we all got to this Hellscape. In 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson declar
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Dems knew what they were doing by hooking the poor to the Gov dole. The caveat being they never give enough to thrive, only to survive. They, along with teachers unions & women's groups, protest school choice - the one thing that could actually help w/ generational Wellfare. (3)

Dems knew what they were doing by hooking the poor to the Gov dole. The caveat being they never give
Dems knew what they were doing by hooking the poor to the Gov dole. The caveat being they never give
profile picture for @LadyJustice4512

As the poor became more disgruntled, and upward mobility became less likely, Feminism started working on tearing the nuclear family to pieces. What started as what appeared to be good intentions became more insidious, & in1973 Roe v Wade allowed women to abort their babies. (4)

As the poor became more disgruntled, and upward mobility became less likely, Feminism started workin
profile picture for @LadyJustice4512

FFD to now and we see actresses praising abortion, and at no time do they ever talk about abstinence, adoption, birth control or personal responsibility.

What was meant to be safe, legal and rare is now being normalized and celebrated in ghoulish fashion. (5)

FFD to now and we see actresses praising abortion, and at no time do they ever talk about abstinence
FFD to now and we see actresses praising abortion, and at no time do they ever talk about abstinence
profile picture for @LadyJustice4512

Without a two parent household society began a steady decline; men became demoralized & adrift & women & children suffered

As the waves of Feminism hit promiscuity was glorified, but no matter how hard they tried Feminists could never convince men a ho was anything but a ho. (6)

Without a two parent household society began a steady decline; men became demoralized & adrift &
profile picture for @LadyJustice4512

Girls, what the hell do you think you bring to the table w/ several baby daddies and a pack of kids? You're delusional if you think your body count doesn't matter.

It's why you're angry, bitter, alone & in section * housing on Wellfare. High value men won't touch that. (7)

Girls, what the hell do you think you bring to the table w/ several baby daddies and a pack of kids?
profile picture for @LadyJustice4512

Men no longer want to settle down or marry these bitter, hostile "girl bosses". Men know they have no choice whether these women will abort their babies or clean them out in divorce, and deny them rights to see their children.

The stats in the court do not favor men at all. (8)

Men no longer want to settle down or marry these bitter, hostile "girl bosses". Men know they have n
profile picture for @LadyJustice4512

It's not anecdotal that it is extremely difficult to prove a mother unfit, and as a Guardian who works closely with CPC and DCF I've seen it countless times.

Even in no fault divorce states the custody/support arrangements heavily favor women. (9)

It's not anecdotal that it is extremely difficult to prove a mother unfit, and as a Guardian who wor
profile picture for @LadyJustice4512

Feminism has lied to and led women astray to the point where 50% of all liberal women admit to some sort of mental illness. These deranged women are allowing Trans women to take up their spaces w/o a fight, yet somehow...girl power? Or men in dresses, potato/potatoe. (10)

Feminism has lied to and led women astray to the point where 50% of all liberal women admit to some
profile picture for @LadyJustice4512

Where does this all lead? Glad you asked! Men & boys have been beaten down & emasculated to the point where they are failing at life & in school.

Masculinity is under attack & men/boys are being treated like barely contained rapists. The accusation is enough to ruin any boy.(11)

Where does this all lead? Glad you asked! Men & boys have been beaten down & emasculated to
profile picture for @LadyJustice4512

As you can see here in this NY Post article, any attempt to help young boys & men is thwarted at every turn. Christina Hoff Summers even reported in her book that women's advocacy groups outright fight help for boys as supporting the Patriarchy. (12)…

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In conclusion, until women stop their outrageous sense of entitlement to an equal outcome on an uneven playing field, and realize they are crushing men and hurting their boys, the world will continue to decline.

The future is NOT female. The future is EVERYONE. (13)

In conclusion, until women stop their outrageous sense of entitlement to an equal outcome on an unev