All threads by @LadyJustice4512
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The CLAIM is it's because of Russia, but as you can clearly see the monster hikes took place well before Russia, and have been on a steep upward trend since the moment he took office & his constant attacks on energy.

The CLAIM is it's because of Russia, but as you can clearly see the monster hikes took place well be
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profile picture for @LadyJustice4512

I've spent weeks researching how/why my gender is hurting themselves & society.

This is a thread about what women are doing, not men, so zip it w/ the White Knighting. If you're a woman who feels triggered, you're who I'm talking about.

Follow me down the Rabbit Hole (1) 🧵

I've spent weeks researching how/why my gender is hurting themselves & society.

This is a threa
profile picture for @LadyJustice4512

We must begin at the beginning of how we all got to this Hellscape. In 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson declared a War on Poverty & introduced Great Society domestic programs, but as you can see by the charts all it did was incentivize working less & single mother households. (2)

We must begin at the beginning of how we all got to this Hellscape. In 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson declar
We must begin at the beginning of how we all got to this Hellscape. In 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson declar
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